Délicieux dans les recettes de tous les jours. Des trempettes et des vinaigrettes crémeuses au tofu, des sautés, des sandwichs et des tartinades, des salades aux œufs sans œufs, des burgers au tofu, des lasagnes, des manicottis, des quiches, des plats à la casserole et de fabuleux gâteaux au fromage au tofu... vous avez le choix ! La meilleure source de protéines au monde ! La meilleure source de génistéine et d'autres isoflavones. Sans cholestérol, sans sel et à faible teneur en matières grasses, faible teneur en calories, simple et rapide. A l'instar du fromage, le tofu est prêt à servir. Naturel et sans viande. La principale source de protéines des diètes végétariennes depuis plus de 1 000 ans.
Best food writing 2010. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Da Capo; London: Perseus Running (Distributor). xii + 352 p. Recipe index. 21 cm. • Summary: One story (p. 76-80) is titled “Kyoto's tofu tofu at Mt. Koya, and a lot of these people were ...
Product Name: Mrs. Cheng's Tofu. Manufacturer's Name: Cheng's (Mrs.) Soybean Products Inc. Manufacturer's Address: 1829 E. Palolo Ave., Honolulu, Oahu, HI 96816. Date of Introduction: 1978. December. New Product—Documentation: Shurtleff ...
The world's most comprehensive, well documented and well illustrated book on this subject. With extensive index. 435 color photographs and illustrations. Free of charge in digital PDF format on Google Books.
Summary: The pioneer in these two categories was Bob Hoffman, who was associated with the York Barbell Co. in York, Pennsylvania and was the U.S. Olympic weight lifting coach for many years. He was a big guy–around 6 feet 5 inches tall, ...
New Product–Documentation: E-mail sent by WholeSoy & Co. 2011. Jan. 26. “WholeSoy & Co. releases two new flavors.” “The Key Lime is a refreshingly tart and ...
The world's most comprehensive, well documented and well illustrated book on this subject.
Hesseltine, C.W.; Smith, Mabel; Bradle, Barbara; Ko Swan Djien. 1963. ... A satisfactory laboratoryscale fermentation is described based on a 20 to 24-hour fermentation of dehulled beans with R. oligosporus. Full-fat grits may be used ...
Introduction by Dr. David Frawley. Illust. by Amadea Morningstar. Index. 23 cm. [40 ref] • Summary: This is a lacto-ovo vegetarian cookbook based on Ayurvedic principles. Contents: Part I: General Information. History of Ayurveda.
Introduction by Dr. David Frawley. Illust. by Amadea Morningstar. Index. 23 cm. [40 ref] • Summary: This is a lacto-ovo vegetarian cookbook based on Ayurvedic principles. Contents: Part I: General Information. History of Ayurveda.
The world's most comprehensive, well documented, and well illustrated book on this subject. With extensive index. 23 maps, photographs and illustrations. Free of charge in digital PDF format on Google Books.