This novel was a popular success and was translated into several languages. It also generated controversy due to its similarities to the novel She, by H. Rider Haggard.
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L'Atlantide: (aka Atlantida - Or- The Queen of Atlantis)
Atlantida (L'atlantide)
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Ce livre, dont Pierre Vidal-Naquet nous dit qu'il le portait en lui depuis un demi-siecle, commence aux environs de 355 av. J.-C., lorsque Platon redige le Timee et le Critias....
Atlantida (French: L'Atlantide) is a fantasy novel by French writer Pierre Benoit, published in February 1919.
It was translated into English in 1920 as Atlantida. L'Atlantide was Benoit's second novel, following Koenigsmark, and it won the Grand Prize of the French Academy. The story inspired many films.
L'Histoire de L'Atlantide
Atlantida is a fantasy novel by French writer Pierre Benoit, published in February 1919.