This novel, half-biography, half-thriller, takes place in 1994 when nearly a hundred watercolor works and lithographies from Marc Chagall are stolen. It is the story of how a newly-immigrated maid comes to the Chagall house in Vence fell in the trap of a crooked art dealer who made her believe that she would become rich and could escape her abusive husband. +++++++++++++ En 1994, le milieu des arts est secouE par ce qui deviendra bientOt « l'affaire Chagall, soit le vol d'une centaine de gouaches et de lithographies du maItre. Cette histoire fascinante commence lorsqu'IrEne MenskoI, une modeste bonne dEbarquEe A Paris dans l'espoir d'une vie meilleure, entre au service des Chagall et gagne peu A peu leur confiance quand elle s'installe avec eux dans leur villa, A Vence, oU l'artiste finira ses jours. Profitant de son accEs privilEgiE aux studios de Chagall, IrEne tombe dans le piEge d'un marchand de tableaux vEreux, qui lui fait miroiter la possibilitE d'Etre riche et libErEe d'un mari abusif. SEduite, et prise dans le dEdale inextricable de cette escroquerie, elle suivra son incroyable destin, dont la rEalitE dEpasse la fiction... Dans ce roman captivant, qui tient A la fois de la biographie et du thriller, Karen Olsen fait revivre une des plus surprenantes affaires de recels de tableaux du 20e siEcle.
Nevertheless, as John peeked out through his blinds at the throng of demonstrators below his office, he longed not for Scollay Square, but for the lifeless City Hall Plaza that had been outside his window only a month prior.
A MINSTREL PAPERBACK Original A Minstrel Book published by POCKET BOOKS , a division of Simon & Schuster Inc. 1230 ... trademarks of Simon & Schuster Inc. Front cover photo by Pat Hill Studio Printed in the U.S.A. Bonjour , Alex !
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Against a background of controversy over the possibility that works of art owned by American collectors may have originally been stolen by the Nazis from Jews later killed in the holocaust, the story of one work of art Landscape with ...
As World War II rages, Allied agents race against time to protect a priceless masterpiece from Nazi hands.
Schütz was a disaster . Even Peckover , who had never heard of Schütz and had missed four rehearsals , thought the choir's version was probably not as Schütz had intended it . The language was the least of it , being all much the same ...
Mary Anderson, Sal Murdocca.
This is a novel of twists, turns, and intrigue.
A hunt for a stolen painting turns into a murder investigation for Spenser, Robert B. Parker's legendary private eye.
The famous painting, Mona Lisa, describes how she was painted by Leonardo da Vinci, taken to France, hung in the Louvre Museum, was stolen and then recovered. Suggested level: junior, primary.