Five plays
( COMEDY ) By MICHAEL WELLER 4 men , 1 woman - Interior Perry and Frank are roommates . Perry greatly envies Frank's expertise with the ladies , which he knows all about because Frank has told him . Well : enter one Deke .
When I was a little boy , I begged my parents for a Birthday Party at McDonald's . Night and day , night and day , I begged them . Nicky Martinelli had had one , see , and 7 wanted one ! TYLER . I know the feeling ! BLAKE .
Hale the Hero!: A Play in One Act
Final Play: A One-act Play
Just a Stage He's Going Through
JUST ONE DAY SCENE : A park . AT RISE OF CURTAIN : The lights come up to reveal a park bench at C , a trash basket on a metal pole on one side , and a dead tree stump on the other . The sounds of birds and playing children can be heard ...
35 in 10: Thirty-five Ten-minute Plays
Oh , my name is Parker . Beulah . Oh ? One of the Washington Street Parkers . Ned . No . Myrtle . We used to know some Parkers over on Lin- den Avenue . But they're all dead . Not one of them are you ? Ned . I don't think so . Beulah .
But it could become a thing . ELSIE . What could become a thing ? MORTY . Nothing . SID . This . This thing . ELSIE . ... If there's one thing I've learned , it's that you can always make something out of nothing ... ( Slight pause . ) ...
Never point a gun directly at a person . Please consult a good book on stage combat and use of firearms on stage , such as Claude Kezer's Principles of Stage Combat . ] Additional lighting and sound effects may be added at ...