Comme tout groupe humain, l'Eglise est traversée par des conflits. Mieux vaut le reconnaître que de le nier, car... attention au retour du refoulé ! Pour gérer ces tensions relationnelles, la bonne volonté ne suffit pas. Deux conditions sont requises : un savoir-faire technique et une espérance à toute épreuve. Or, bien souvent, l'une des deux conditions fait défaut. D'où les crises, les ruptures, les blessures et l'amertume qui minent la vie des Eglises locales. Pour mieux vivre ensemble en Eglise, et témoigner du Royaume qui vient, l'auteur du conflit, nourri à la fois d'une relecture de certains textes bibliques, et d'une prise en compte des acquis les plus récents des sciences humaines.
The Other Side: Opposition to Methodist Union, 1913-1932 : an Examination of Some Contemporary Documents
Shelley , Marshall . Well - Intentioned Dragons . Waco , Tex .: Word , 1985. “ When attacked by a dragon , do not become one ” is Marshall's wise counsel on dealing with problem people in the congregation . Smith , Donald P. Clergy in ...
A Plague on Both Their Houses: Liberal V.s. Conservative Christians and the Divorce of the Episcopal Church USA
On December 11 of that same year he abdicated because he wanted to marry Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson , a twice - divorced American woman . The British government did not feel that this was in keeping with the Crown's tradition and ...
The Mastering Ministry Series covers the various challenges of a ministry encounters and teaches how to deal with them-one subject at a time.
88 On the rights of audience of barristers in the ecclesiastical courts , see J.H. Baker , Monuments of Endlesse Labours ( London , Hambledon Press , 1998 ) , pg . 130 , 144 and 162 . 89 J.H. Baker , Monuments of Endlesse Labours , pg .
Congregations in Conflict examines the nature of America's congregations as institutions, looking in particular at how they deal with conflict within their ranks, to gain insight into religious culture, or the moral order of local religious ...
This first volume in the Library of Leadership Development helps pastors and lay leaders understand, prevent, and redeem conflicts.
Potshots at the Preacher
Through this series of letters from a former emergent church staffer to the global church she's not always sure she wants to be a part of, this volume invites every person to engage their own disappointments and journey through ...