Years ago, everybody knew that the earth was flat. Everybody knew that the sun revolved around the earth. Today, everybody knows that life on earth is the result of random evolution and/or a supernatural God. Or is it? In "Message from the Designers" Rael presents us with a third option: that all life on earth was created by advanced scientists from another world. During a UFO encounter in 1973 he was dictated a series of messages, face to face, by one of these designers. The result is what lies within these pages - an astonishing revelation for mankind.
In a classic work on ecological history, Cronon argues: If we avoid assumptions about environmental equilibrium, the instability of human relations with the environment can be used to explain both cultural and ecological transformations ...
Dunia buatan manusia
What is the common link? All of this mysterious information offers us great clues, insight and food for thought when considering the question, ''Why Is Life?''. This book ties it all together with an interesting and entertaining analogy.
20 40 60 Miles OTO 20 40 60 Kilometers BROWN CRAWFORD FORT HOWARD FORT WINNEBAGO CALUMET MANITOWOC MARQUETTE ... to the original schedule of three a day , which gave a better estimate of mean daily temperature ( Smart 1894 : 215 ) .
At the same time they show us , as in Farley Mowat's Never Cry Wolf , our affinity with them . To read about the tenderness , courage , loyalty , communicativeness , playfulness , extensive social system , and resourcefulness of the ...
In Praise of the Common Man
Body and Mind
This work is a personal invitation for you to explore the depths, trials & tribulations, questions, truths, emotions, thoughts, revelations & realizations of not only what it means to be...
Fortbewegung, Bewegungslehre.