This practitioner-based book provides different approaches for reaching an increasing population in today’s schools - English language learners (ELLs). The recent development and adoption of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (CCSS-ELA/Literacy), the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, the C3 Framework, and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) highlight the role that teachers have in developing discipline-specific competencies. This requires new and innovative approaches for teaching the content areas to all students. The book begins with an introduction that contextualizes the chapters in which the editors highlight transdisciplinary theories and approaches that cut across content areas. In addition, the editors include a table that provides a matrix of how strategies and theories map across the chapters. The four sections of the book represent the following content areas: English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. This book offers practical guidance that is grounded in relevant theory and research and offers teachers suggestions on how to use the approaches described.
Strategies, tools, tips, and examples that teachers can use to help English language learners at all levels flourish in mainstream classrooms.
This book will show teachers how to * Determine their ELLs' stages of English language acquisition. * Modify assignments and assessments in different content areas for ELLs at different stages of language development. * Ensure that all ELLs ...
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Cardoso, W. (2006). Review of the Heinle Picture Dictionary-Interactive CD-ROM. Language Learning and Technology, 10 (3): 27-35. Retrieved from
This book provides school leaders, trainee teachers and qualified teachers with the skills and practical knowledge they need to strengthen the learning outcomes of students for whom English is an additional language.
Really a tool to assist all learners across all language needs, the second edition of Teaching Reading to English Learners, Grades 6-12, provides evidence-based strategies for helping content-area teachers and schools at large: Teach ...
Written by renowned author Jodi Reiss, 120 Content Area Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners offers practical instructional and assessment strategies built on a strong foundation of second-language-acquisition theories and...
The main point to be internalized here is that materials must be integrated and specifically designed for English language learners with special needs. it is not enough that they receive “half of each curriculum” (Collier, 1995).
Such a collaborative learning atmosphere positively affects the social dynamics of the group, raises non-ELLs' awareness toward the language, builds empathy, and creates a stronger learning community. Turn Taking Even for highly ...
This book prepares mainstream teachers to provide content instruction to English language learners.
This edited collection explores how science can be taught to English language learners (ELLs) in 21st century classrooms.