This translation brings a landmark systems engineering (SE) book to English-speaking audiences for the first time since its original publication in 1972. For decades the SE concept championed by this book has helped engineers solve a wide variety of issues by emphasizing a top-down approach. Moving from the general to the specific, this SE concept has situated itself as uniquely appealing to both highly trained experts and anybody managing a complex project. Until now, this SE concept has only been available to German speakers. By shedding the overtly technical approach adopted by many other SE methods, this book can be used as a problem-solving guide in a great variety of disciplines, engineering and otherwise. By segmenting the book into separate parts that build upon each other, the SE concept’s accessibility is reinforced. The basic principles of SE, problem solving, and systems design are helpfully introduced in the first three parts. Once the fundamentals are presented, specific case studies are covered in the fourth part to display potential applications. Then part five offers further suggestions on how to effectively practice SE principles; for example, it not only points out frequent stumbling blocks, but also the specific points at which they may appear. In the final part, a wealth of different methods and tools, such as optimization techniques, are given to help maximize the potential use of this SE concept. Engineers and engineering students from all disciplines will find this book extremely helpful in solving complex problems. Because of its practicable lessons in problem-solving, any professional facing a complex project will also find much to learn from this volume.
He is the former director of the William J. Hughes Technical Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey, the FAA's national research and test laboratory. Preface Systems engineering is about thinking—thinking about things in a xii Foreword.
Throughout the book, best practices and relevant alternatives are discussed and compared, encouraging the reader to think through various methods like a practicing systems engineer.
Providing a foundational coverage of systems thinking, systems engineering, and systems decision making, this text is suitable for students of systems engineering, engineering management, and systems management, as well as for engineering ...
The latest edition of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook: Is consistent with ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 Systems and software engineering—System life cycle processes and the Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) Has ...
This book is divided into three major parts: (1) Introduction, Overview and Basic Knowledge, (2) Design and Integration Topics, (3) Supplemental Topics.
Systems Engineering for Aerospace: A Practical Approach applies insights gained from systems engineering to real-world industry problems. The book describes how to measure and manage an aircraft program from start to finish.
The rapid evolution of technical capabilities in the systems engineering (SE) community requires constant clarification of how to answer the following questions: What is Systems Architecture?
The book begins by presenting terms used in systems engineering and introducing the discrete system and its components.
" ... textbook that can be used to teach any student the Systems Engineering approach to problem-solving ... intended for use with a first semester "Introduction to System Engineering" course ... final section of the text presents an ...
Accessed 18 May 2017 Clements P, Bachmann F, Bass L, Garlan D, Ivers J, Little R, ... Wiley, New York Cole B, Delp C, Donahue K (2010) Piloting model based engineering techniques for spacecraft concepts in early formulation.