The latest edition of this practical handbook provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of common and rare problems with hemostasis and thrombosis. Through thoroughly updated and revised chapters, the text features practical information on diagnosing and managing troublesome hematologic conditions often found in clinical practice. The handbook also spotlights advances in the field since the publication of the last edition, including multiple novel coagulation factors for hemophilia, the increasing use of novel anticoagulants and their reversal agents, and the increasing use of genetics for diagnosis. Written by experts in the field, Hemostasis and Thrombosis, Fourth Edition is an invaluable resource for healthcare professionals who treat patients afflicted with these conditions.
.Ratnoff OD, Davie EW, Mallett DL. Studies on the action of Hageman factor: evidence that activated Hageman factor in turn activates plasma thromboplastin antecedent. J Clin Invest 1961;40:803-819. . Thompson RE, Mandle R Jr, Kaplan AP.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.One of the most...
Kasthuri RS, Taubman MB, Mackman N: Role of tissue factor in cancer. J Clin Oncol 27:4834– 4838, 2009. Khorana AA, Ahrendt SA, Ryan CK, et al: Tissue factor expression, angiogenesis, and thrombosis in pancreatic cancer.
In this review, we describe the primary mechanisms involved in these responses in various vascular beds of both macro- and microvessels, and outline key unresolved aspects of these important interactions.
Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice
Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Practical Guidelines in Clinical Management Edited by Hussain I Saba MD, PhD Professor of Medicine Director of Hematology/Hemophilia/Hemostasis & Thrombosis Center USF College of Medicine Professor Emeritus ...
A unique clinical focus makes Consultative Hemostasis and Thrombosis, 3rd Edition your go-to guide for quick, practical answers on managing the full range of bleeding and clotting disorders.
This book: Provides essential practical management for all those working in the field of hemostasis and thrombosis Includes new chapters on direct oral anticoagulants and, acquired inhibitors of coagulation Covers in a clear and succinct ...
A pocket-sized, wire-spire-bound handbook on both the common and uncommon hemostatic problems that health care providers face in clinical practice.
Recent progress in molecular biology has led to a rapid expansion of our understanding of the proteins that are essential for hemostasis and thrombosis.