This comprehensive textbook introduces students to the wide-ranging responsibilities of computing, science and engineering professionals by laying strong transdisciplinary foundations and by highlighting ethical issues that may arise during their careers. The work is well illustrated, and makes extensive use of both activities, and ethical dilemmas which are designed to stimulate reader engagement. A number of memorable case studies are also included and frequently draw on the demanding aerospace industry. The book adopts a strongly human centric approach, with matters such as privacy erosion and censorship being viewed not only in their current context but also in terms of their ongoing evolution. What are our individual ethical responsibilities for ensuring that we do not develop for future generations a technological leviathan with the potential to create a dystopian world? A broad range of technologies and techniques are introduced and are examined within an ethical framework. These include biometrics, surveillance systems (including facial recognition), radio frequency identification devices, drone technologies, the Internet of Things, and robotic systems. The application and potential societal ramifications of such systems are examined in some detail and this is intended to support the reader in gaining a clear insight into our current direction of travel. Importantly, the author asks whether we can afford to allow ongoing developments to be primarily driven by market forces, or whether a more cautious approach is needed. Further chapters examine the benefits that are associated with ethical leadership, environmental issues relating to the technology product lifecycle (from inception to e-waste), ethical considerations in research (including medical experimentation involving both humans and animals), and the need to develop educational programs which will better prepare students for the needs of a much more fluid employment landscape. The final chapter introduces a structured approach to ethical issue resolution, providing a valuable, long-term source of reference. In addition it emphasises the ethical responsibilities of the professional, and considers issues that can arise when we endeavour to effect ethically sound change within organisations. Examples are provided which highlight the possible ramifications of exercising ethical valour. The author has thus created an extensively referenced textbook that catalyses student interest, is internationally relevant, and which is multicultural in both its scope and outlook.
Topics and features: Introduces the philosophical framework and tools for understanding and analyzing computer ethics in personal, public, and professional spheres Describes the impact of computer technology on issues of security, privacy, ...
The only prerequisite is some experience using computers and the Internet. The book is appropriate for a stand-alone "computers and society" or "computer ethics" course offered by a computer science, business, or philosophy department.
The discussion throughout the book is candid and intended to ignite students’ and professionals’ interest and active participation in discussions of the issues we are facing now and those likely to emerge in the near future.
Computer Science Ethics and Computing Living Responsibly in a Computerized World Second Edition All you have to do is watch the news, or be warned not to open your email...
Here hackers could work freely with sophisticated machines , “ shielded from the bureaucratic lunacy of the outside world ” ( Levy , 1985 , p . 56 ) . These old - style hackers certainly were not immoral ; they harmed no one .
By presenting provocative issues such as social networking, government surveillance, and intellectual property from all points of view, this market-leading text challenges students to think critically and draw their own conclusions, which ...
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Widely acclaimed for its readability and its balanced and authoritative coverage, Computer Ethics has been thoroughly revised and updated with new anecdotes, new revelations, and lively discussion of the ethical, social, and professional ...
Ross called his duties “prima facie duties” instead of obligations. “Prima facie” because there may be situations in which conflicts among duties arise that sometimes prevent an actor from fulfilling all of them.
This comprehensive seventh edition features thoroughly revised chapters with new and updated content, hardened by the bedrock ethical and moral values.