This Open Access book combines expertise in information literacy with expertise in education and teaching to share tips and tricks for the development of good information literacy teaching and training in universities and libraries. It draws on research, knowledge and pedagogical practice from academia, to teach students how to sift through information to be able to distinguish the important and correct from the unusable. It discusses basic concepts and models of information literacy, as well as strategies for accessing, locating and retrieving information and methods suitable for the assessment and management of information. The book explains many concepts connected to information literacy and discusses pedagogical issues with a view to supporting the practitioner. Each chapter examines one aspect of information literacy, discusses the pedagogical challenges involved and provides suggestions for best practice.
Open Pedagogy Approaches
This book hones in on accessible issues across different work and educational contexts and is of value to both academic and practitioner.
3.1 Legal Awareness According to Michal Urban, “it is crucial that (people) know the rights guaranteed by the rule of law, have the ability to exercise them, and are convinced that it makes sense to enforce (their) rights.
"Bringing together scholarship and pedagogy from a multiple of perspectives and disciplines to provide a broader and more complex understanding of information literacy and suggests ways that teaching and library faculty can work together to ...
This book will help instruction librarians create instruction for all types of environments and in all modes of delivery. It includes exercises and worksheets to help the reader work through the instructional design process.
The study profiles the information literacy efforts of sixteen small and mediums sized colleges in North America including: Oberlin College, Ottawa University, Genesee Community College, Marlboro College, Massasoit Community College, Cecil ...
Covering a range of topics such as artificial intelligence, knowledge organization, records management, and library services, this reference work is ideal for librarians, researchers, scholars, practitioners, academicians, instructors, and ...
This book investigates what university and college students need to know about searching for, and evaluating, information, and how teaching and learning can be planned and carried out to improve MIL skills.
The aim of this book is to professionalise the educational role of academic libraries. It helps information professionals design and carry out information literacy education programmes.
Collaboration for Distance Learning Information Literacy Instruction: SPEC Kit