This work attempts to understand the chaotic and enigmatic presidency of Donald Trump through Neustadt’s iconic work on presidential power and bargaining. Neustadt’s model explains much of Trump’s difficulties in office, but not his relative success. It argues he defies expectation due to new political realities such as party polarization, a transformed media, and the administrative presidency.
An overview of a week in the entrepreneur's life and opinions on everything from football to New York mayors accompany stories of Trump's best real estate deals and a discussion of the deal maker's art. Reprint.
And throughout, Trump talks--"really "talks--about how he does it. TRUMP ON TRUMP: "I always go into a deal anticipating the worst. If you plan for the worst--if you can live with the worst--the good will always take care of itself.
Lewandowski recalled being in the car with Trump on the campaign trail as different issues arose—such as something about Hillary Clinton or Republican presidential primary rival Marco get settled, 226 Rubio, a U.S. senator from Florida.
Pardon Me: The Constitutional Case Against Presidential Self-Pardons. Yale Law Journal 106 (3): 779–810. ———. 2012. Constitutional Cliffhangers: A Legal Guide for Presidents and Their Enemies. New Haven: Yale University Press.
"The Art of the Political Deal" tells the stories of four successful negotiations and the tools, techniques and conditions that made them possible--even during an era that's among the most partisan and unproductive in U.S. history.
The world's greatest dealmaker shows you how to: Find the work you love and do it Set high standards and meet them Think Trump-scale Negotiate to win Be tough, not nasty Turn problems, even disasters, into gold Concentrate on your target ...
In Never Give Up, Donald Trump tells the dramatic stories of his biggest challenges, lowest moments, and worst mistakes—and how he uses tenacity and creativity to turn defeat into victory.
See “100 Days of Trump Claims,” Washington Post, lied about his executive orders: “I ... 1832, available at;view=fulltext.
The author tells how he rebounded from the verge of bankruptcy in 1990 to regain his status as New York's most prominent businessman, revealing his successful real estate and investment strategies
Trump is an icon: the very definition of the American success story. Bill Zanker started The Learning Annex with $5,000 of his own money.