Small Scale Sport Tourism Events and Local Sustainable Development: A Cross-National Comparative Perspective

Small Scale Sport Tourism Events and Local Sustainable Development: A Cross-National Comparative Perspective
Business & Economics
Springer Nature
Ricardo Melo, Claude Sobry, Derek Van Rheenen


This book outlines the impacts of small scale sport tourism events on local sustainable development in different countries. Using half marathons organized in small and medium sized cities as an example, the chapters are robust case studies, applying a unified methodology in order to provide a clear overview of the sport tourism system in each country. The book begins with a description of the methodologies used and an overview of the countries studied. The country chapters focus on several dimensions of sport tourism in each city, including but not limited to the history of past sport tourism events in the municipality, the characteristics of the city hosting the event, the demographic profile of participants in the event, and the quantifiable economic, environmental, and sociocultural impacts of the event. Each chapter concludes with analysis and policy recommendations for holding future events that contribute to local sustainable development. The book concludes by summarizing and comparing the main results across different countries, and presenting main conclusions and overarching recommendations. Written by international experts in sports tourism, this book is geared towards academic researchers and students, interested in sport tourism, sports economics, management, and sustainable development, as well as policy makers and professionals tasked with bringing such events to their cities.

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