This book focuses on applied behavior analysis (ABA) treatment of violence and aggression in persons with neurodevelopmental disabilities. It details ABA theory and concepts leading to empirical treatment procedures that can be implemented successfully across diverse treatment settings. Further, the book examines contemporary approaches to functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and functional analysis (FA) in determining the environmental conditions responsible for violence and aggression. In addition, the volume describes several evidence-supported treatment procedures that encompass antecedent-control, contingency management, cognitive-behavior therapy, and physical intervention components. It addresses effective strategies for training and supervising care providers, including behavioral skills training (BST), posttraining performance management, and mindfulness. Finally, the book presents recommendations that guide effective and socially valid research-to-practice translation. Applied Behavior Analysis Treatment of Violence and Aggression in Persons with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians/therapists, and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in forensic psychology, public health, criminology/criminal justice, and behavioral therapy and rehabilitation.
This book focuses on applied behavior analysis (ABA) treatment of violence and aggression in persons with neurodevelopmental disabilities.
This edited volume not only provides an overview of the area of OBM-IDD, it also summarizes the extant literature, offers research-to-practice recommendations, and includes operational strategies for building successful service settings.
Their goal in writing this book was to encourage various service agencies, treatment facilities and clinical teams to use positive techniques in managing aggressive behavior and teach appropriate communication and self-management skills.
How can severe behavior problems in individuals with developmental disabilities be prevented and treated? What strategies can be used to control difficult-to-treat problems such as self-injury, stereotypy, aggression, rumination, and...
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 51(1), 61–69. Snyder, R., Turgay, A., Aman, M., Binder, C., Fisman, S., & Carroll, A. (2002). Effects of risperidone on conduct and disruptive behavior disorders in ...
Retrieved from Kuriyama, S.,Kamiyama, M.,Watanabe, ... &Schopler, E.(with Adams,L., Burgess,S., Chapman, S.M.,Merkler, E., Mosconi, M.,Tanner, C., & VanBourgondien, M.E.).
Underwood, L. A., Figueroa, R. G., Thyer, B. A., & Nzeocha, A. (1989). Interruption and DRI in the treatment of ... Wacker, D. P., Steege, M. W., Northup, J., Sasso, G., Berg, W., Reimers, T, Cooper, L., Cigrand, K., & Donn, L. (1990).
Describing the state of the science of applied behavior analysis (ABA), this comprehensive handbook provides detailed information about theory, research, and intervention.
Comprised of papers and commentaries from the Earlscourt Symposium on Childhood Aggression held in Toronto, Canada, this volume reflects the Earlscourt Child and Family Centre's commitment to linking clinical practice to identifiable ...
Principles and practice of behavioral assessment. New York: Stichter, J. P. (2001). Functional analysis: The use of ana-. Direct observation of behavior is a valuable, although time-consuming, step in providing important insights about ...