This Open Access book features a school development model (Arizona Initiative for Leadership Development and Research AZiLDR) that offers a roadmap for schools to navigate the complexities of continuous school development. Filled with processes that balance evidence-based values with democratic, culturally responsive values, this book offers strategies to mediate the tensions and to address school culture, context and values, leadership capacity, using data as a source of reflection, curricular and pedagogical activity, and strengths-based approaches to meeting the needs of culturally diverse students. You will find: - Active, reflective activities - Case studies illustrating each concept - The research base supporting each concept - Descriptions of processes from other contexts (South Carolina, Germany, Australia, Sweden) - Thoughts about next steps for contextually sensitive and multi-level school development - Suggestions for cross-national dialogue and research within the Zone of Uncertainty Use this ideal source to guide school leadership teams in creating productive schools that continually grow!
The Dialectic of the Global and the Local Robert F. Arnove Carlos Alberto Torres, Stephen Franz ... John McCarthy and Mayer Zald, “Resource Mobilization and Social Movements,” American Journal of Sociology 82 (1973): 1212–41; ...
This Open Access book analyses the past, present and future of the technical university as a single faculty independent institution.
Voedingstabel Totale hoeveelheid vet ( 9 ) Enkelvoudig onverzadigd vet ( g ) Meervoudig onverzadigd vet ( 9 ) Koolhydraten Eiwitten ( g ) Calorieën Verzadigd vet ( 9 ) Cholesterol ( mg ) Portie Natrium ( mg ) 23 | 11 3 3 .
Un premier volet est consacré à la comparaison internationale de l'éducation ; il s'ouvre sur un historique de l'éducation comparée, suivi d'une contribution sur le transfert de modèle et d'une analyse de l'apport des indicateurs de l ...
First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
De vlag in de top: over de 'rationaliteit' van het secundair onderwijs-beleid ; Frankrijk, Engeland en Wales, Duitse Bondesrepubliek
'Cleverlands' is the story of her journey.
International Handbook of Curriculum Research
... Tim , 214n Paish , F. W. , 214n Parents , 90 , 110 , 153 , 163 , 166 , 215n Passeron , J - C . , 219n Pelling , Henry , 213n , 214n PEP , 215n Percy Report , 149 Perkin , Harold , 213n , 215n , 216n Pickles , Dorothy , 217n Pimlott ...
Historical Statistics: The Americas, 1750–1993, 4th edition (New York: Stockton Press, 1998), 46–57, 307–310; ... Bilingual Public Schooling in the United States, 16, 20–27; David Nasaw, Schooled to Order: A Social History of Public ...