This volume historicizes the study of life-writing and egodocuments, focusing on early modern European reflections on the self, self-fashioning, and identity. Life-writing and the study of egodocuments currently tend to be viewed as separate fields, yet the individual as a purposive social actor provides significant common ground and offers a vehicle, both theoretical and practical, for a profitable synthesis of the two in a historical context. Echoing scholars from a wide-range of disciplines who recognize the uncertainty of the nature of the self, these essays question the notion of the autonomous self and the attendant idea of continuous identity unfolding in a unified personality. Instead, they suggest that the early modern self was variable and unstable, and can only be grasped by exploring selves situated in specific historical and social/cultural contexts and revealed through the wide range of historical documents considered here. The three sections of the volume consider: first, the theoretical contexts of understanding egodocuments in early modern Europe; then, the practical ways egodocuments from the period may be used for writing life-histories today; and finally, a wider range of historical documents that might be added to what are usually seen as egodocuments.
Egodocuments and History: Autobiographical Writing in Its Social Context Since the Middle Ages
... Early Modern Spain , " in Renaissance Studies 36 , no . 2 ( 2016 ) : 165–182 ( 166 ) . 10. Chris Rojek , Celebrity ( London : Reaktion , 2001 ) , 54 ; cited in Kerr , The Rise of the Diva , 9 . 11. Antoine Lilti , “ Public Figures : The ...
Lives as lived and lives as written are never one and the same. To turn the first into the second one must introduce "fiction" into the "fact" of the actual...
or providential lessons from the calendar, displayed at length in Thomas Beard«s The Theatre of God's Judgments ... See also Laura Lunger Knoppers, Historicizing Milton: Spectacle, Power and Poetry in Restoration England (Athens and ...
See Steven Ozment , The Reformation in the Cities : The Appeal of Protestantism in Sixteenth - Century Germany and Switzerland ( New Haven , 1975 ) , 59 . 8. See Louis Châtellier , Tradition chrétienne et renouveau catholique dans le ...
The book deals with both a reconstruction of Tuscan family books' evolution and persistency, and several aspects of social history: reading and private libraries, domestic devotion, the memory of historical events.
A Sourcebook of Early Modern Europe Nicholas Terpstra. I. I. Lives. Uncovered: Life. Cycles. in. the. Early. Modern. Period. This reader is organized around the human life cycle, and it ... Lives Uncovered: Life Cycles in the Early Modern ...
... Geletterde levens: Dagelijks lezen en schrijven in de vroegmoderne tijd in Nederland 1624-1770 (Hilversum: Verloren, 2004). 10. For more background, see Jonathan Israel, The Dutch Republic: Its Rise, Greatness and Fall, 1477-1X06 ...
This book was originally published as a special issue of Textual Practice.
Comedies, 2 vols., trans. Henry Baker and James Miller (Dent). —— (1971). Œuvres comple`tes, 2 vols., ed. Georges Couton (Gallimard). Montaigne, Michel de (1962). Œuvres comple`tes, ed. A. Thibaudet and Bibliography 295.