This textbook is written in line with the Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc. (COINN) vision for global unity for neonatal nursing. The core values and goals of COINN are based on excellence and advocacy for high quality newborn care, as well as respecting diversity by integrating cultural norms and values among the care of newborns and their families. The book promotes neonatal nursing as a global speciality through evidence, research, and education of neonatal nurses; and offers key examples of the millennium goals and global outcomes, as well as variations in outcomes for babies. The first part focuses on global perspectives of neonatal nursing from different continents aligning with the World Health Organizations’ global regions: (The Americas -USA, Canada and South America-, Western Pacific region -Australia and New Zealand-, European region -UK and Europe-, African region, South-East Asia and Eastern Mediterranean region. For each region, education and competencies, challenges and opportunities, research and evidence-based practice (EBP) as well as practice regulations are described. The second part elaborates on key topics for neonatal nursing across the globe, such as the continuity of neonatal care in the community, patient and family centered care in neonatal settings, sleep and brain development, the fundamental care needs of the neonate and family and global perspectives on hypothermia, hypoglycaemia and hypoxia. Written in a formal academic but reader style, using key literature and evidence, this textbook enables an understanding from a large audience with academic levels and experience, both staff and students, bedside nurses, advanced practice nurses, midwifes and allied professionals. In addition, first person story based reflective narrative are interspersed throughout the book to capture the perspectives of nurses, staff and parents, in the form of vignettes. This textbook is aimed at neonatal nurses across the world as well as current and aspiring students in this field.
"This book provides a complete look at neonatal healthcare delivery.
The book will become an indispensable part of the libraries of all APN leaders at all stages in their development worldwide. This book is distinctive in its focus on Advanced Practice Nursing leadership globally.
Praise for the Fifth Edition: “This book provides a complete look at neonatal healthcare delivery...[It] includes discussions of contemporary topics of interest, such as informatics, genetics, global health, and family-centered care, ...
NEONATAL NURSING: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES VICTORIA KAIN, TRUDI MANNIX AND KAREN WALKERa Learning objectives After reading this chapter you will be able to: • discuss the evolution of neonatal care • understand the perspectives of neonatal ...
An Evidence-Based Approach to Conditions and Procedures Carole Kenner, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, ANEF Judy Wright Lott, DSN, RN, BC-NNP, FAAN. World Health Organization. (2013a). Compilation of WHO recommendations on maternal, newborn, ...
See pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 13 PDA. See patent ductus arteriosus Pediarix, 631 PEEP. See positive end expiratory pressure PEG. See percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy penicillin antistaphylococcal, for omphalitis, 209 and cleft ...
Dreyfus Health Foundation. (n.d). Problem Solving for Better HealthTM (PSBHTM): Participants' handbook. Gien, L., Taylor, S., Barter, K., Nguyen, T., Bui, X. M., & Nguyen, T. L. (2007). Poverty reduction by improving health and social ...
This comprehensive reference continues to look at neonatal nursing management from a physiologic/pathophysiologic perspective.
In S. L. Gardner, B. S. Carter, M. E. Hines, & J. A. Hernandez (Eds.), Merenstein and Gardner's handbook of neonatal intensive care (8th ed.). St Louis: Elsevier. ... Hartnett, D., Carr, A., Hamilton, E., & O'Reilly, G. (2016).