This book examines dominant discourses in social justice education globally. It presents cutting-edge research on the major global trends in education, social justice and policy research. Using diverse paradigms, ranging from critical theory to discourse analysis, the book examines major social justice and equity education reforms and policy issues in a global culture, with a focus on the ambivalent and problematic relationship between social justice education discourses, ideology and the state. The book discusses democracy, ideology and social justice, which are among the most critical and significant factors defining and contextualising the processes surrounding social justice education reforms globally. It critiques current social justice education practices and policy reforms, illustrating the shifts in the relationship between the state, ideology, and social justice education policy. Written by authors from diverse backgrounds and regions, this book examines current developments in research concerning social justice education. It enables readers to gain a more holistic understanding of the nexus between social justice education, and dominant ideologies, both locally and globally. It also provides an easily accessible, practical, yet scholarly insights into local and global trends in the field of social justice education. Discourses of Globalization, Ideology and Social Justice, with contributions from key scholars worldwide, should be required reading for a broad spectrum of users, including policy-makers, academics, graduate students, education policy researchers, administrators, and practitioners.
Nicholson LJ (1984) Affirmative action, education, and social class. Philosophy of Education Society, Normal, Illinois. Nisbet R (1975) The new despotism. Commentary 59(6):31–43. O'Neill O (1976) Opportunities, equalities and education.
It analyses current discourses related to global- isation, ideologies, cultural identities, and the state, ... culture, the process of re-defining and consolidation of cultural identities has been one of a continuous social, cultural, ...
Teaching against global capitalism and the new imperialism. Rowman & Littlefield. Metz, T. (2019). Pursuing knowledge for its own sake amidst a world of poverty: Reconsidering Balogun on philosophy's relevance. Filosofia Theoretica.
This book examines dominant discourses in values education globally.
The role of community development in reducing extremism and ethnic conflict. Palgrave Macmillan. Holt, T. J., Freilich, J. D., & Chermak, S. M. (2016). Internet-based radicalization as enculturation to violent deviant subcultures.
This book focuses on discourses of effective learning environments globally for reducing discrimination in schools.
This book presents a global overview of discourses of globalization, current research in education and education policy reforms.
In P. McLaren and R. Farahmandpur, Teaching against Global Capitalism and the New Imperialism. ... The Forms of Capital. In J. G. Richardson (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education (pp. 241–258). New York: ...
Work and education. In G. Psacharopoulos (Ed.), Economics of education (pp. 146–157). Oxford: Pergamon Press. McLaren, P., & Farahmandpur, R. (2005). Teaching against global capitalism and the new imperialism.
It has resulted in structural and qualitative changes in education and policy, affecting history education. ... has changed the world enough to demand serious rethinking about comparative social research in our era of globalization'.