Floods and flash floods with hydro-meteorological and tropical cyclones are the some of the most devastating natural disasters causing massive damages to natural and man-made features. Flood hazards are a major threat to human life, properties (agricultural area, yield production, building and homes) and infrastructures (bridges, roads, railways, urban infrastructures, etc). Flood hazards susceptibility mapping (risk assessment) and modelling is an essential step for early warning systems, emergency services, prevention and mitigation of future environmental and social hazards and implementation of risk management strategies. Due to the lack of proper information, technology-based policies and strategies, mapping and modelling can often not be implemented to the best possible level. Geo-spatial techniques have enjoyed rising interest in recent decades among the earth environmental and social sciences research communities for their powerful ability to solve and understand various complex problems and develop novel approaches toward sustainable earth and human society. By linking geo-spatial computational intelligence techniques with societal and environmental-oriented problems, this book demonstrates geospatial technology approaches to data mining techniques, data analysis, modelling, risk assessment and visualization and management strategies in different aspects of flood hazards. We believe that a diverse group of academics, scientists, geographers, hydrologist, remote sensing and GIS expertise, environmentalists, meteorologists and computing experts with a common interest in geospatial sciences within the earth environmental sciences and humanistic and social sciences will find this book to be of great value.
有趣的地理探险: 我们居住在哪里
Philadelphia : C. & A. Conrad & Co. , 1810. 12.4 x 30 inches . Minnesota Historical Society . James Allen . Map of the Route Passed Over by an Expedition into the Indian Country in 1832 to the Source of the Mississippi .
Map reading--Canada--Juvenile literature. 2. Maps--Juvenile literature. 3. Cartography--Juvenile literature. I. Heersink, Paul II. Title. GA105.6.P44 2011 j912.01'4 C2011—901360—6 Credits: Cover background: © Tim Pohl/iStockphoto.
Mapping the Environment: A Professional Development Manual
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Set of books for classroom use in a middle school science curriculum; all-in-one teaching resources volume includes lesson plans, teacher notes, lab information, worksheets, answer keys and tests.
From Geneva to the Rigi: British Images of Switzerland in Texts, Guidebooks and Maps, 1650-1904
Monumenta cartographica: tabulae mundi: kartographische Denkmäler, ein Triumph über die Zeit ; Essener Bearbeitung von zwölf Tafeln der historischen Kartographie...
Rafael López Velasco, en su libro Navarre shall be... da noticia de más de cien libros de viajeros británicos que describen Euskal ... la fundación de un centro de M LAS \ NÁ\V AIR Af IEHIHÜIIGWÜDIHASIII PROVINCIAS VASCONCADAS manual:.
Jonathan Potter's Selection of Antique Maps