In Why Do Religious Forms Matter?, Pooyan Tamimi Arab reflects on the Early Modern roots and contemporary relevance of a materialist perspective on the politics of religious diversity. Taking as a starting point the insight that religions manifest in myriad sensible forms--in architecture, in images, in the use of objects in rituals, and in distinctive ways of speaking--Tamimi Arab traces to Spinoza the material-religion approach prevalent in anthropology and religious studies. It is in Locke's political philosophy, however, that forms are tied to toleration--understood as a neutrally applied civil right--which Tamimi Arab discusses through contemporary case studies of mosque construction, amplified calls to prayer, and the right to ritual slaughter. Going beyond the Enlightenment criticism and toleration of religions, the book concludes with an inclusive reading of Rawls' ideal of public reason, which assumes forms of discourse--religious and non-religious--to always be several. Religious forms thus turn out to be indispensable to liberal democracy itself. Pooyan Tamimi Arab is Assistant Professor of religious studies at Utrecht University. He is a board member of the Amsterdam Spinoza Circle and member of the Young Academy of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
C'est la raison d'être de cet ouvrage, issu du colloque organisé au Muséum national d'histoire naturelle par Jean Dubessy et Guillaume Lecointre, et préfacé par Jacques Bouveresse.
Opening with materialism's early thinkers, including Epicurus, Hobbes and Hume up to Darwin and Marx, Brown and Ladyman explain how materialism's beginnings as imaginative vision of the true natures and properties of things faced a major ...
Dubessy et G. Lecointre, dir., 2001, Syllepse).
This book seeks to show, against the grain of English language commentary, that Spinoza is neither a Cartesian nor a liberal but precisely the most thoroughgoing materialist in the history of philosophy.
La 4e de couverture indique : "Diderot s'intéresse à l'humain depuis ses premiers écrits.
Die Maschine Mensch: französisch - deutsch
In this book (published in the US as Science Set Free), Dr Rupert Sheldrake, one of the world's most innovative scientists, shows that science is being constricted by assumptions that have hardened into dogmas.
Zorba is not separate from Buddha.
This collection examines the intersections of religion and ""new"" materialisms.