This proceedings volume convenes selected, peer-reviewed contributions presented at the POMS 2021 – International Conference on Production and Operations Management, which was virtually held in Lima, Peru, December 2-4, 2021. This book presents results in the field of Operations Management of key relevance to practitioners, instructors, and students. Topics focus on Operations Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, and Industrial and Production Engineering and Management, where mathematics and its applications play a role. In this work, readers will find a colorful collection of real-world case studies, accompanied by operations research-based managerial models. They touch on myriad topics, ranging from Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics in Operations, Defense, Tourism, and other emerging issues in Operations Management to Healthcare Operations Management and Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management. The POMS Lima 2021 International Conference has been organized by the Latin America & Caribbean Chapter of the Production and Operations Management Society, the most renowned professional and academic organization representing the interests of production and operations management professionals and academicians around the world. Since 2018, POMS International Conferences have been organized by POMS-LA, the first venue being in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Venue 2021 event was hosted by the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and Pacific University, two Peruvian Latin-American leading academic institutions from Peru.
This Book Presents Lucid Treatment Of A Wide Range Of Issues Involved In Production And Operations Management.
The material in this book is intended as an introduction to the field of production and operations management. It is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate students.
The modular character of the text permits many different journeys through the materials.
Production/operations Management
This comprehensive text features an integrative framework of planning, organizing and controlling and provides end-of-chapter supplements for quantitative analysis. It also offers problems which can be solved by the computer...
Such a complex scenario needs freedom from compartmentalize thinking and an integrated consideration of the various factors that impinge on the production and operations management system . With the vast potential , production function ...
This text has been developed through extensive research to reflect both the new practices and traditional concepts that instructors feel are important for students to know.
Provides a conceptual and analytical operations management framework for both manufacturing and service firms. The thrust of this new edition is more quantitative in approach and more comprehensive in its...
The book provides detailed explanations in the context of core themes such as customer satisfaction, ethics, entrepreneurship, global business, and managing change.
Concerns the management of the essential parts of any business - the goods-producing and service-producing processes. This revised and updated edition includes 22 international case studies which illustrate the practical...