This book is intended for the Mathematical Olympiad students who wish to prepare for the study of inequalities, a topic now of frequent use at various levels of mathematical competitions. In this volume we present both classic inequalities and the more useful inequalities for confronting and solving optimization problems. An important part of this book deals with geometric inequalities and this fact makes a big difference with respect to most of the books that deal with this topic in the mathematical olympiad. The book has been organized in four chapters which have each of them a different character. Chapter 1 is dedicated to present basic inequalities. Most of them are numerical inequalities generally lacking any geometric meaning. However, where it is possible to provide a geometric interpretation, we include it as we go along. We emphasize the importance of some of these inequalities, such as the inequality between the arithmetic mean and the geometric mean, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, the rearrangementinequality, the Jensen inequality, the Muirhead theorem, among others. For all these, besides giving the proof, we present several examples that show how to use them in mathematical olympiad problems. We also emphasize how the substitution strategy is used to deduce several inequalities.
In Savage Inequalities, Kozol delivers a searing examination of the extremes of wealth and poverty and calls into question the reality of equal opportunity in our nation's schools.
For researchers working in this area, it will be a valuable source of reference and inspiration. It could also be used as the text for an advanced graduate course.
This classic of the mathematical literature forms a comprehensive study of the inequalities used throughout mathematics.
While it emphasizes some methods that are not usually covered in beginning university courses, the book nevertheless teaches techniques and skills which are useful beyond the specific topics covered here.
Describes the interplay between the probabilistic structure (independence) and a variety of tools ranging from functional inequalities to transportation arguments to information theory.
Note on Wirtinger's inequality Horst Alzer Abstract In this note we refine the following theorem due to W. Wirtinger : If f has period 27 and satisfies $ 2 * f ( x ) dx = 0 , then 27 [ $ * ( z ) dx < " 1 * s ( ) with strict inequality ...
5 ( 1984 ) , 1-3 INTRODUCTION BY Y. L. TONG University of Nebraska As noted by Pólya ( 1967 ) , " Inequalities play a role in most branches of mathematics and have widely different applications . " This is certainly true in statistics ...
In 1964 the author's mono graph "Differential- und Integral-Un gleichungen," with the subtitle "und ihre Anwendung bei Abschätzungs und Eindeutigkeitsproblemen" was published. The present volume grew out of the response...
European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions survey (EU-SILC) 98b, 185n6 evidence health inequality ... 50, 51 explanation of health inequalities 97 analyses 97,98b exploitative nature of capitalism 142–43 farmers 16 ...
DOI: 10.1201/9781315228969-4 4.1 Illustrative Examples 4.2 Linear Variational Inequalities 4.2.1 Some Basic Results 4.2.2 Regularization for Linear Variational Inequalities 4.2.3 Recession Approach for Linear Variational Inequalities ...