This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Decolonizing Trauma Studies: Trauma and Postcolonialism" that was published in Humanities
Annotation This Special Issue aims to explore the complex and contested relationship between Trauma Studies and postcolonial theory, focusing on the possibilities for creating a decolonized trauma theory that takes account of the suffering ...
Decolonizing Trauma Work, one of the first books of its kind, is a resource for education and training programs, health care practitioners, healing centres, clinical services and policy initiatives.
This book then explores transgenerational trauma, the tensions between remembering and forgetting, multidirectional memory, and the possibilities of the ambiguities and contradictions of the postcolonial and diasporic characters Smith ...
Gray, M., Coates, J., Yellow Bird, M., and Hetherington, T. (eds.). 2016. Decolonizing Social Work. London: Routledge. Haines, R., McDonald, J., and Shlomowitz, R. 2001. Mortality and Voyage Length in the Middle Passage Revisited.
Decolonizing Data explores how ongoing structures of colonialization negatively impact the well-being of Indigenous peoples and communities across Canada, resulting in persistent health inequalities.
Riding on the success of Indigenous Social Work Around the World, this book provides case studies to further scholarship on decolonization, a major analytical and activist paradigm among many of the world’s Indigenous Peoples, including ...
Postcolonial Witnessing argues that the suffering engendered by colonialism needs to be acknowledged more fully, on its own terms, in its own terms, and in relation to traumatic First World histories if trauma theory is to have any hope of ...
Together, the chapters in this book model transformative practice in the clinic, the schools, the community, and the discipline. Among the topics covered: Rethinking racial identity development models.
Cobb, Amanda J. “Interview with W. Richard West, Director, National Museum of the American Indian.”American Indian Quarterly 29, nos. ... Cooper, Karen Coody, and Nicolasa I. Sandoval, eds. Living Homes for Cultural Expression: North ...
When Fred and Julian engage in awhip fight, Fred calls him a black pig (105). Hecurses Julian with the words “laho pilau” and “Heia ule palaho!” (106).The first, “laho pilau,” indicatesa dirty male animal,“laho” indicating the testicles ...