This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Perspectives on Women’s Higher Education Leadership from around the World" that was published in Administrative Sciences
Individuals, nations, and the world collectively pay a price when women are not given full opportunities to develop and contribute their talents by serving on senior-level leadership teams. false,This Special Issue, titled "Perspectives on ...
This book links theory, research, and practice of women’s leadership in various higher education contexts and offers suggestions for future leadership development strategies.
This book is ideally designed for educators, researchers, academicians, scholars, policymakers, educational administrators, graduate-level students, and pre-service teachers seeking current research on the state of educational leadership in ...
Women leaders and the COVID-19 pandemic are currently trending in the news. Major news outlets are all offering their positive opinions on how world-wide women leaders have addressed the crisis and reassured their people.
This book is ideal for professionals, researchers, managers, executives, leaders, academicians, sociologists, policymakers, and students in fields that include humanities, social sciences, women’s studies, gender studies, business ...
This volume furthers the conversation by comparing the experiences of women in leadership with regards to work-life balance from eight different countries around the globe.
This important volume provides a comparative perspective, highlighting common themes across a range of institutional and cultural contexts to help leaders promote an organizational mind-set and culture of inclusion and inclusiveness.
Dickason, O.P. and Newbigging, W. (2010) A Concise History of Canada's First Nations, 2nd edn, Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press. Doxtator, M.G. (2004) 'Indigenous knowledge in the decolonial era', American Indian Quarterly, ...
Leadership development for faculty women at The Ohio State University: The President and Provost's Leadership Institute. Advances in Developing Human ... Perspectives on women's higher education leadership from around the world.
This book is a “tool kit” for advancing greater gender equality and equity in higher education. It presents the latest research on issues of concern to them, and to anyone interested in a more equitable academy.