This is the first of three volumes based on papers given at the conference 'The Fragile Tradition: The German Cultural Imagination Since 1500' in Cambridge, 2002. Together they provide a conspectus of current research on the cultural, historical and literary imagination of the German-speaking world across the whole of the modern period. This volume highlights the ways in which cultural memory and historical consciousness have been shaped by experiences of discontinuity, focusing particularly on the reception of the Reformation, the literary and ideological heritage of the Enlightenment, and the representation of war, the Holocaust, and the reunification of Germany in contemporary literature and museum culture.
Papers from the Conference "the Fragile Tradition", Cambridge 2002: Cultural memory and historical consciousness in the German-speaking world since 1500
In beiden Erzählungen wird der himmlische oder göttliche Raphael positiv von den Malern abgegrenzt , die nur mit bloßer Darstellung des Körpers und der Fleischeslust beschäftigt sind , wie angeblich Titian und Velasquez ( J , S.117 und ...
See , Klaus von , Barbar , Germane , Arier : Die Suche nach der Identität der Deutschen , Heidelberg 1994 . Deutsche Germanen - Ideologie vom Humanismus bis zur Gegenwart , Frankfurt 1970 . Speth , Rudolf , Nation und Revolution ...
Cultural Memory and Historical Consciousness in the German - Speaking World Since 1500 Papers from the Conference ' The Fragile Tradition ' , Cambridge 2002 . Volume 1 Oxford , Bern , Berlin , Bruxelles , Frankfurt am Main , New York ...
1989 and the Question of German Cultural Identity Silke Arnold-de Simine. Christian Emden / David Midgley ( eds . ) Cultural Memory and Historical Consciousness in the German - Speaking World Since 1500 Papers from the Conference “ The ...
Mary- Elizabeth O'Brien is one of the only academics to discuss the movie, as she does in her book on Nazi Cinema as Enchantment: The Politics of Entertainment in the Third Reich (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2004).
Aleida Assmann, 'Four Formats of Memory: From Individual to Collective Constructions of the Past', in Cultural Memory and Historical Consciousness in the German Speaking World since 1500, ed. by Christian Emden and David Midgley, ...
Roland Bainton, Hunted Heretic: The Life and Death of Michael Servetus, 1511–1533 (Boston, 1953), 3. ... Arnold on Spinoza, Mosheim on Servetus,” in Heresy in Transition: Transforming Ideas of Heresy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, ...
... 276–277 Violence, past, in the present, 4–6 Visibility of secrecy, 116–117 Voice of God, Stars, 168 von Trotta, ... film, 245–248 appropriation, 245–248 decontextualization, 247–248 decoy-and-delay exercise, 248–249 West Germany, ...
(1999) Acts of Memory: Cultural Recall in the Present (Hanover and London: University Press of New England). ... Bigsby, C. W. E. (2006) Remembering and Imagining the Holocaust: The Chain of Memory, Cambridge Studies in Modern Theatre ...