German-speaking playwrights have exercised a considerable if subtle influence on Australian theatre history. Presenting a range of paradigmatic case studies, this book offers a detailed account of Australian productions of German-language drama between 1945 and 1996. The reception of Bertolt Brecht is used as a touchstone for analysing stagings of plays by writers such as Max Frisch, Rolf Hochhuth, Peter Handke and Franz Xaver Kroetz. In addition, more recent developments in the reception of German drama on the Australian stage are discussed.
Went to an 8 am citizenship ceremony at Salisbury -over 150 new citizens . Pretty chaotic ceremony , unlike the usually disciplined Salisbury performance , but the chaos had charm and it made for a less boring hour .
Journal of William Fletcher: Railway Missionary to the Workmen on the Settle & Carlisle Railway : Second Contract
Australia in the Global Economy 2009 Edition supports advanced students by providing, in a separate section at the back of the text, an introduction to the key economic concepts underlying the HSC Economics syllabus: income-expenditure ...
First published as The Catholics in Australia (1996), the book has been revised and updated.
The next titles in the Investigate series focus on four of the world's continents and contain colourful spreads with maps, photos and illustrations to showcase these interesting and topical parts of the world.
Packed with up-to-date information, Margaret McPhee's guidebook focuses on the destinations that most people want to see when visiting Australia.
Gregory's Australian Top Tourist Destinations
This stunning book takes you from far north Queensland all the way around the Australian coast to Darwin, with detailed information on the places along the way from fishing villages to popular holiday resorts to state capitals, as well as ...
Giving you so much more than GPS can, this brilliant new road atlas provides you with all the information you need to plan and enjoy road travel to every corner of Australia.
In Britain in 1787, prisons were overflowing with lawbreakers and troublemakers.