To initiate its new Ph.D. Program in Transcultural German Studies, jointly offered by the University of Arizona and the University of Leipzig, the Department of German Studies at the University of Arizona organized an international conference on Transcultural German Studies in Tucson from March 29-31, 2007. Conference participants sought to define the nature of Transcultural German Studies. This new, interdisciplinary field of inquiry investigates the cultural landscapes of the German-speaking world in the light of globalization and inter- and transcultural contact. The contributions that comprise the volume are by scholars who work in a number of related fields, exploring transcultural phenomena - past and present - evident in selected literary, filmic, musical and historical texts. Zur Einführung des neuen, interdisziplinären Studiengangs Transcultural German Studies, den die University of Arizona und die Universität Leipzig gemeinsam anbieten, organisierte das Department of German Studies der University of Arizona vom 29. bis 31. März 2007 in Tucson eine internationale Konferenz. Die Teilnehmer hatten es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, das Wesen der Transcultural German Studies zu definieren und näher zu beleuchten. Dieser Band vereint ausgewählte Ergebnisse der Vorträge. Im Licht von Globalisierung sowie inter- und transkulturellen Kontakten werden Kulturlandschaften des deutschsprachigen Raumes untersucht. Wissenschaftler, die in einer Reihe von verwandten Forschungsgebieten arbeiten, nehmen literarische, filmische, musikalische und historische Texte genauer unter die Lupe und zeigen anhand dieser Texte transkulturelle Phänomene der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart auf.
A Guide to Social Theory: Worldwide Cross-cultural Tests
Subsequently , other US universities introduced other variations , such as the Doctorate of Nursing Science ( DNSc ) , Doctorate of Nursing ( DNurs or DN ) , and Doctorate of Science in Nursing ( DSN ) ( Pearson et al , 1997 164 ...
D. Broder , 2002 , " Health Care in a Death Cycle , " Washington Post , 17 April 2002 , p . A15 . 2. Many drugs produce offsetting cost ... S. Breyer , 1993 , Breaking the Vicious Circle . Cambridge , MA : Harvard University Press .
Going Home: A Novel
In A. Baron ( Ed . ) , Explorations in Chicano psychology . New York : Praeger . Lorton , J. , & Lorton , E. ( 1984 ) . Human development through the life span . Belmont , Calif .: Brooks / Cole . Lu , F. ( 1987 ) .
Barnett , J.R. 1991a . Where have all the doctors gone ? Changes in the geographic ... Barnett , J.R. 1991b . Where have all the doctors gone ? vol . ... Cole - Kelly , K. 1994. Cultures engaging cultures : International medical ...
And it might not fit in with our program.” Rita: “What I hear from Sue is, she tells me that the teachers aren't coming to see her. And I'm giving Fran professional advice about what makes grant proposals stronger—I've ...
OC C UPA TI ONAL THERAPY IN SI TKA My supervisor, Mo McBride, was the sole occupational therapist providing service for all of the schools in Sitka (five public schools, plus several private preschools), and the only occupational ...
... 30 Clifford , J. , 320 Cohen , H. , 31 Cohen , J. , 361 Cohen , M.L. , 320 Colletta , N. , 423 Colombo , S. , 361 Comaroff , J. , 132 , 361 Comstock , E. , 66 Cooke , E.R. , 33 Coreil , J. , 165 , 361 Corner , L. , 364 Cosminsky , S ...
Hinton, Ladson, Neil Aggarwal, Ana-Maria Iosif, Mitchell Weiss, Vasudeo Paralikar, Smita Deshpande, Sushrut Jadhav, David Ndetei, Andel Nicasio, Marit Boiler, Peter Lam, Yesi Avelar, and Roberto Lewis-Fernández. 2015.