Once a country of emigration and diaspora, in the 1990s Ireland began to attract immigration from other parts of the world: a new citizenry. By the first decade of the twenty-first century, the ratio between GDP and population placed Ireland among the wealthiest nations in the world. The Peace Agreements of the mid-1990s and the advent of power-sharing in Northern Ireland have enabled Ireland's story to change still further. No longer locked into troubles from the past, the Celtic Tiger can now leap in new directions. These shifts in culture have given Irish literature the opportunity to look afresh at its own past and, thereby, new perspectives have also opened for Irish Studies. The contributors to this volume explore these new openings; the essays examine writings from both now and the past in the new frames afforded by new times.
What constitutes reading? This is the question William McKelvy asks in The English Cult of Literature. Is it a theory of interpretation or a physical activity, a process determined by hermeneutic destiny or by paper, ink, hands, and eyes?
Romantic Regionalism, Romantic Nationalism
She was later to marry another editor, Alec Bolton, who became Publisher to the National Library of Australia. They had a daughter and two sons. The title poem of Dobson's second collection, The Ship of Ice, won The Sydney Morning ...
Arranged alongside related materials drawn from across the Rare Book Collection, these diverse Wordsworth volumes illuminate the physical and cultural landscape of England in the nineteenth century, highlighting the conditions that ...
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The first detailed reference and critical guide to Anglo-Jewish writing.
For Beaufort's 'The forthe boke' we reprint Pynson 's 1517 edition (STC 23957). ... Denis de Leeuwis, and Jacobus de Gruitroedius, but probably written, as S. Powell says, by the latter, also known as Jacques de Gruytrode. a Carthusian, ...
... a polarization that enables Edward Said to detail the massive and diffuse spectrum of discursive power controlled by the colonizer , and that gives Frantz Fanon a powerful terminology in which to advocate revolutionary struggle .
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