This collection of essays was written to mark the fortieth anniversary of the Second General Conference of Latin American Bishops, which convened at Medellín, Colombia, in 1968. Inspired by the Second Vatican Council and seeking to implement its vision, the bishops viewed the occasion as a decisive one for Latin America, which they saw as standing 'on the threshold of a new epoch in the history of our continent'. It appears to have been a time full of zeal for emancipation, of liberation from every form of servitude, of personal maturity and of collective integration. Forty years later, however, it is appropriate to remember the event and to review the significance of liberation theology in light of all that has happened during the intervening period. The colloquium at the Milltown Institute, Dublin, which led to this book, sought to do precisely that: to establish where liberation theology now stands by questioning whether it really is a significant theological and ecclesial movement or merely a moment whose time has passed, and to investigate its enduring legacy.
Los milagros de Jesús: los signos mesiánicos y la teología de la liberación
Bajar de la cruz a los pobres: cristología de la liberación
Liberation Theology and Pastoral Theology
Salvation and Liberation
Teología de la liberación: guía didáctica para su estudio
The Path to Liberation: Theology of Struggle in the Philippines
Von Balthasar and the Option for the Poor: Theodramatics in the Light of Liberation Theology
The Living Flame of Love
A Reason for Hope: Liberation Theology Confronts a Liberal Faith
The Future of Our Past: The Spanish Mystics Speak to Contemporary Spirituality