International Economic Law: Basic Documents

International Economic Law: Basic Documents
International Economic Law
Walter de Gruyter
Philip Kunig, Niels Lau, Werner Meng


The collection contains international treaties as well as other substantive regulations of the international economy. The material is arranged in two main sections, the first of which deals with institutions and cooperation, the second contains the most prominent examples of how substantive regulation of the international economy has been achieved. The volume gives an overlook over the means of cooperation developed by states in order to find common and appropriate solutions for the increasingly complex and challenging problems of international economic exchange. A focus here is on international organizations which are the core of an international system of economic cooperation. The most conspicuous examples of regional cooperation are included. International trade is represented by GATT and selected agreements and decisions of the Tokyo Round. Further documents relate to international finance, transborder activities of corporations, anti-trust law and international transport. The 2nd edition presents a new chapter containing the most important documents on cooperation in order to protect industrial property, including the repeatedly revised Paris Convention, the (revised) Madrid, Lisbon and Hague Agreements, the European Patent Convention as well as the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization. The chapter on international competition has been enlarged by EEC-Council regulations, the chapter on international finance by the IMF-Guidelines on conditionality as well as selected IMF-Decisions. The collection is oriented towards relevance to decisionmakers on the international and national levels as well as to economists and international lawyers.

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