The handbook is based on the division of the subjects of linguistic theories of communication in "text" and "conversation" and distinguishes a "text linguistics" (Volume 1) and a "conversation linguistics" (Volume 2). The two volumes of the handbook are so arranged that they correspond to each other in their overall composition. The intention thereby is to give prominence to the connection between written-mono-logic communication (text) and spoken-dialogic communication (conversation) - despite all dissimilarities between the two - and to facilitate the orientation of the handbook user. The principle tasks of the handbook are to represent the current state of research and the developments in research in this complex area, to explicate the fundamental text-relevant and conversation-relevant methods, to deal with essential aspects of the constitution and the typology of text and conversation, and, finally, to show text linguistics and conversation linguistics in relation to other disciplines and fields of practice. -- Preface.
Thomas, A. (1991). Kulturstandards in der internationalen Begegnung. Saarbrücken: Verlag Breitenbach. Thomas, A. (1993). Psychologie interkulturellen Lernens und Handelns. In Thomas, A. (Hg.) Kulturvergleichende Psychologie - Eine ...
This case study reports on nested projects within a larger interdisciplinary project, utilizing linguistics and sociology, arising from a corpus of conversational data.
TG : a video - recording of a 90 - minute conversation among three male friends in their mid - twenties ; conducted in the Kansai dialect . 9. TYC : a video - recording of a 90 - minute conversation among two married couples in their ...
Im Vordergrund stehen zunächst grundlegende Fragen: Was ist gesprochene Sprache? Was sind Untersuchungsgegenstand und Methodik der Gesprächslinguistik? Wie können gesprochene Daten erhoben und transkribiert werden?
It offers the teacher all the Students' Book lessons, audio and video at the press of a button in the classroom as well as a wealth of additional resources to help prepare lessons, such as extra downloadable activities, tests and workshops ...
Herring and Paolillo (2006) study how gendered interactional styles are related to discourse genre. The authors provide empirical evidence on how specific gendered genres prompt online users to adapt their gendered interactional styles ...
So for Milton, as for the likes of Austen and Dickens after him, part of the task is to compose the varieties of ... 'This' genius may or may not deserve Leavis's description, but whether it does so is a matter of fact not of logic.
本书重点在于让读者知道如何去攻心,如何抓住对方的心理罩门或死穴,如何分析对方心理需要等等心理上或人性分析上的原理,彻底从“心”去掌握优势,不浪费子弹 ...
Este libro trata de las estructuras propias del nivel del diálogo y de los principios que rigen esas estructuras.