In this collection leading international authorities analyse the structures and economic functions of non-agrarian centres between ca. 500 and 1000 A.D. - their trade, their surrounding settlements, and the agricultural and cultural milieux. The thirty-one papers presented at an international conference held in Bad Homburg focus on recent archaeological discoveries in Central Europe (Vol.1), as well as onthose from southeastern Europe to Asia Minor (Vol. 2).
This book examines the representation of Rome and Persia (Iran) in the successive groups of documents that comprise the Rabbinic canon of late antiquity.
( Paris , Turnhout , 1904- ) Wilhelm Riedel and Walter Ewing Crum , The Canons of Athanasius of Alexandria , The Arabic and Coptic Versions ( London - Oxford , 1904 ) Canons of Pseudo - Basil , ed .
In der 1968 gegründeten Reihe erscheinen Monographien aus den Gebieten der Griechischen und Lateinischen Philologie sowie der Alten Geschichte.
R. J. Walsh , « Charles the Bold and the Crusade » , Journal of Medieval History , 3 ( 1977 ) 53-86 . 86 F. CERONE , La politica orientale di Alfonso di Aragona , Nápoles , 1903 ; C. MARINESCO , « Alphonse V , roi d'Aragon et de Naples ...
European university papers: French language and literature. Series 13
Against the Fall of Night
When Constantius II died in 361 , Julian ( 361–63 ) rose to power . Julian was an emperor of a different sort . His family had been on the losing side of Constantius II's dynastic plotting . His own father was murdered by the emperor's ...
那是在羅馬,1764年10月15日,我坐在卡庇多神殿山的廢墟上沈思,忽然傳來神殿裡赤腳僧的晚禱聲,我的心中首度浮出寫作這座城市衰亡的想法。 ──吉朋 ...
249 Fræbi 274 Franken , fränkisch 66 , 305 Frankreich , französisch 175 , 177 , 304f . Frøygæirr 275 Fürsten 44 , 50 , 66 , 72f . , 87f . , 104f . , 155 , 167 , 186 , 191f . , 194 , 197 , 203 , 213f . , 216 , 241 , 245 , 258 , 260 , 273 ...