The public library is the prime community access point designed to respond to a multitude of ever-changing information needs. These guidelines are framed to provide assistance to library and information professionals in most situations. They assist to better develop effective services, relevant collections, and accessible formats within the context and requirements of the local community. In this exciting and complex information world it is important for professionals in search of knowledge, information and creative experience to succeed. This is the 2nd edition of The Public Library Service IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines for Development.
The series IFLA Publications deals with many of the means through which libraries, information centres, and information professionals worldwide can formulate their goals, exert their influence as a group, protect their interests, and find ...
The series IFLA Publications deals with many of the means through which libraries, information centres, and information professionals worldwide can formulate their goals, exert their influence as a group, protect their interests, and find ...
The Public Library Service: IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines for Development
Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia
Boston, Ma: pearson. TRAILS toolkit. Tribal library procedures manual. this manual was revised through the american Library association's Office for Literacy and Outreach Services and Committee on rural, Native, and tribal Libraries of ...
Guidelines for Public Libraries
Existing Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) demonstrate differences in the range and complexity of their functional features, terminology, and help facilities.
Guidelines for Easy-to-read Materials: Revision
The Guidelines are focused on the library services to babies and toddlers, their families and supporting organizations dealing with early literacy and appropriate services for the very young.
Section - IV Education , Training and Research When marketing is considered total solution for libraries , it is imperative that all information managers have to be marketers , may not be by title but by work they perform now a days in ...