This book is concerned with bilingual thematic dictionaries (BTDs). The three chief aims of the research project are: 1) to identify the characteristic features of the bilingual thematic dictionary, 2) to gauge its usefulness, and 3) to make suggestions as to how it could be improved. Various approaches are adopted in order to reveal the nature of the BTD. The typological approach considers the lexicographic genres (bilingual, thematic, and pedagogical) which have been combined to create this hybrid reference work. Particular attention is paid to the BTD's immediate forerunner and closest lexicographic relative: the monolingual thematic learner's dictionary. Detailed textual analyses of contemporary thematic dictionaries identify the characteristic features of the macrostructure, microstructure, and other components from a structural perspective. In order to evaluate the usefulness of the BTD features identified, the textual analyses are supplemented by three pieces of user research involving a questionnaire (to elicit learners' opinions), a test (on the effectiveness of the access structure), and an experiment (to discover how a learner uses a BTD).
This book will help you learn Spanish faster.
The Spanish-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary features: + A quick and intuitive way to learn and remember thousands of words. + A complete range of illustrated objects and scenes from everyday life. + Fast and effective learning for any ...
Polish-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary makes language-learning accessible by using photographs to put the everyday vocabulary of the modern world into context.
Is the bilingual dictionary really the translator's best friend? Or is it the case that all translators hate all dictionaries? The truth probably lies half-way. It is difficult to verify...
This book will help you learn Spanish faster.
This book fills a gap not yet well covered by other published Q'eqchi' language materials.
This brilliant bilingual book is your one-stop shop for Spanish, packed with more than 10,000 essential words to look up and learn.
Every item shown is labelled or annotated, with the translation of each term given directly below. This creates a colourful and stimulating learning resource for the foreign-language and EFL/ESL student.
The newest edition to the Visual Bilingual Dictionary series, this title will help the international visitor-whether for business or recreational-adsorb essential vocabulary in Portuguese.
SOMMARIO • CONTENTS lo sport • sports 220 il football americano football 148 150 mangiare fuori • eating out il ... 266 l'elettronica d'intrattenimento 268 home entertainment la fotografia | photography 270 i giochi | games 272 arte e ...