Based on his extensive experience in international librarianship, Peter Johan Lor, South Africa's first National Librarian and a former Secretary General of the IFLA, has written the first comprehensive and systematic overview of international and comparative librarianship. His book provides a conceptual framework and methodological guidelines for the field and covers the full range of international relations among libraries and information services, with particular attention to the international political economy of information, the international diffusion of innovations and policy in library and information services, LIS development and international aid. It concludes with a discussion of the practical relevance and future of international and comparative studies in LIS. See a short interview with Peter Lor on his work
Course content on digital libraries: Two perspectives Indian University North American University Digital Library Systems History and origin of digital library -What, exactly is a digital library?Its attributes and components ...
This sobering truth strongly suggests that we as American librarians should seek out new learning from libraries ... to see that the information to meet user needs at home and abroad is accessible , to train quality staff to serve ...
Contributed articles.
The intent of this book is not to glorify international librarianship, but to instead explore different ways that international librarianship might be understood and practiced.
Comparative and International Librarianship: Essays on Themes and Problems
The Reference Librarian, 51, 309–325. Mood, T. A. (1982). Foreign students and the academic library. Rq, 22(2), 175–180. Munene, I. I. (2014). Outsiders within: Isolation of international faculty in an American university.
Chapters cover the history of librarianship, national libraries, academic libraries, public libraries, school libraries, and special libraries, as well as the state of bibliographic control and services, library education, and professional ...
In Power of Position, Montoya shows how classifications are systems that relate one entity with other entities, requiring those who construct a system to value an entity’s relative importance—by way of its position—within a system of ...
I hope the published texts in this volume will inspire more comparative research and connections in these parts of the world, so in the future, we can have a more complete new edition." -- Preface.
These volumes are rich in variety and will provide much food for thought for creating unique and successful library programs.