When people seek psychological support, formulation is the theory-driven methodology used by many practitioners to guide identification of the processes, mechanisms, and patterns of behaviour that appear to be contributing to the presenting difficulties. However, the process of formulating – or applying psychological theory to practice – can often seem unclear. In this volume, we present multiple demonstrations of formulation in action – written by applied psychologists embedded in clinical training, research, and practice. The volume covers a range of contemporary approaches to formulation and therapy that have not been considered in extant works, and includes unique sections offering critical counter-perspectives and commentaries on each approach (and its application) by authors working from alternative theoretical positions.
This is also the opinion of Westra, Constantino, Arkowitz, and Dozois (2011), even though they fit their views into the common factors model of change put forward by Frank and Frank (1991).They speculate that the competent delivery of ...
This indispensable practitioner guide and text serves as a comprehensive primer on case formulation within all of the major therapeutic approaches.
A major contribution for all clinicians committed to understanding and using what really works in therapy, this book belongs on the desks of practitioners, students, and residents in clinical psychology, psychiatry, counseling, and social ...
Future research directions in the study of counselor multicultural competency. Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development, (1), 3–13. Garfield, S. L. (1965). Research on client variables in psychotherapy. In S. L. Garfield ...
This new edition arrives two decades after the first, with revised content, updated case studies, and new insights gleaned over the author's noteworthy career.
Bennett-Levy, J., Lee, N., Travers, K., Pohlman, S. and Hamernik, E. (2003) 'Cognitive therapy from the insider: enhancing therapist skills through practising what we preach', Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 31(2): 143–58.
Alfred J. Finch, Jr., John E. Lochman, W. Michael Nelson, III, Michael C. Roberts. Barrio, C. (2000). The cultural relevance of ... Bernal, G., Bonilla, J., Padilla-Cotto, L., & Perez-Prado, E. (1998). Factors associated to outcome in ...
This is a thorough and well-structured piece of work, which brings in the recent work of excellent authorities such as Barbara Ingram.
... operate on the basis of bland, unemotional progression of testing and refutation but become attached to their theories and can experience joy, anger, distress, despair, and even a sense of annihilation when their theories, ...
Greenberg J, Mitchell S. Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory. Harvard University Press: Boston, 1983. 4. Kernberg OF. Object Relations Theory and Clinical Psychoanalysis. Aronson: New York, 1976. 5. Kernberg OF.