Fragmentary texts play a central role in Classics. Their study poses a stimulating challenge to scholars and readers, while its methods and principles, far from being rigidly immutable, invite constant reflection on its methods, approaches, and goals. By focusing on some of the most relevant issues that fragmentologists have to face, this book contributes to the ongoing and lively debate on the study of fragmentary texts. This volume contains an extensive theoretical introduction on the study of textual fragments, followed by eight essays on a wide variety of topics relevant to the study of fragmentary texts across literary genres. The chapters range from archaic Greek epics (the Hesiodic corpus) to late-antique grammarian Nonius Marcellus as a source of fragments of Republican literature. All contributions share a nuanced, critical attention to the main methodological implications of the study of fragmentary texts and mutually contribute to highlighting the field’s common specificities and limitations, both in theory and in editorial practice. The book offers a representative spectrum of fragmentological issues, providing all readers with an interest in Classics with an up-to-date, methodologically aware approach to the field.
... Fragments in Context / Frammenti e dintorni , Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht . Martin , S. R. and S. Langin - Hooper , eds ( 2018 ) The Tiny and the Fragmented : Miniature , Broken , or Otherwise Incomplete Objects in the Ancient ...
very long45 and also suggest emendations to the text of other authors quoted therein (following a practice that can be ... even more famously in the quote “nobis et ratio et res ipsa centum codicibus potiores sunt” (in a note to Hor.
Even though there is agreement on the existence of an Imperial commentary on Homer, going under the name Mythographus Homericus, a large-scale study of this work has been lacking.
... Military Equipment . London . ( 2011 ) ' Stratagems , combat , and ' chemical warfare ' in the siege mines of Dura - Europos ' , AJA 115 : 69-101 . ( 2019 ) The Roman Military Base at Dura - Europos , Syria : An Archaeological ...
Herbert Hunger, Lexikon der griechi- schen und rbmiscben Mythologie, mit Hinweisen auf das Fortwirken antker Stoffe und Motive in der bildenden Kunst, Literatur und Musik des Abendlandes bis zur Gegenwart, 8th rev. ed.
Volume 1: The Archaic and Classical Ages. Volume 2: The Hellenistic Age and the Roman Imperial Period Franco ... wife. If the trial had demonstrated premeditation of the crime, Euphiletus could have been sentenced to death. Therefore the ...
As Highet states in the opening lines of his Preface, this book outlines "the chief ways in which Greek and Latin influence has moulded the literatures of western Europe and America".
Tel est aussi le cas des romans Le Maître et Marguerite de Boulgakov et Le Docteur Faustus de Thomas Mann , textes dont les protagonistes sont des artistes fictifs et des revenants de la littérature , plus precisément des descendants de ...
... by an ignorance of a period so incorrectly termed the Dark Ages . In our opinion one of the greatest services done to literature ... fragmentary treatment of everything except the classical periods . The results of the Romantic reaction are ...
In the 19th century libraries relating to art education were developed at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London (now the National Art Library) and in several schools of design. Significant collections exist today at the British ...