The lexicon of Japanese contains a large number of conventional mimetic words which vividly depict sounds, manners of action, states of mind etc. These words are notable for their distinctive syntactic properties, for the strikingly patterned way in which they exploit sound-symbolic correspondences, and for the copiousness of their use in conversation as well as in many written registers of Japanese. This dictionary is a comprehensive resource for linguists, language teachers, translators, and others who require detailed information about this important sector of the Japanese vocabulary. Examples created by the editors are accompanied by thousands of contextualized, referenced examples from published sources to illustrate the alternative meanings of each mimetic form. All examples appear in Japanese orthography, in romanization, and in English translation. Concise information is provided concerning the varieties of syntactic usage appropriate for each mimetic. An extensive English index facilitates comparison of English and Japanese vocabulary.
In this book you will find: Over 1500 practical sentences for everyday use. A glossary of over 200 terms and expressions. Latest Japanese vocabulary and Japanese phrases for smartphones, social media and more.
Japanese characters (kana and kanji) as well as Latin script (romanji). Titles in this bestselling series of phrasebooks include: Essential Japanese, Essential Chinese, Essential Korean, Essential Tagalog, and Essential Arabic.
Whether you're a novice or have some experience with the language, this is a reference you'll turn to again and again when visiting Japan and interacting with Japanese people.
I- – OKAERI-NASAI £5)# ) # * vs Welcome home! Okaeri-nasai (lit., “You've come home”) is the standard response to Tadaima (see TADAIMA). Its closest English equivalent would be “Welcome home!” or “I'm glad you're home again,” but ...
With this book we'll expose you to new vocabulary, in context, based on the frequency that word is used in the language.
Useful words and expressions with their Japanese equivalents.
The detail and currency of the explanations contained in this book are unmatched by other books on the subject. For the student hard put to use these borrowed words, this text offers real help.
Third, the authors have tried to reveal aspects of grammar that may not be found in comparable grammar books--such as rare Japanese verbs, adjectival nouns, clauses, adverbs, etc. This Japanese grammar book contains: Parts of speech.
"The Oxford-Duden Pictorial Japanese & English Dictionary provides parallel English and Japanese word-lists containing 28,000 items for each language.
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