This book is a useful guide for students, physicians in continuing education and practitioners who want to keep abreast of the latest developments in rheumatology. The chapters on the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis and the biochemistry of inflammation present the latest research results in this field and are illustrated by a wealth of charts and tables. There follows practical and critical information on all drug groups that are currently used in the treatment of inflammatory rheumatic diseases and osteoarthritis. (Midwest).
Juvenile chronic arthritis ; in Hart ( Ed . ) Drug Treatment of the Rheumatic Diseases , 2nd ed . , p.185 ( ADIS Press , Auckland 1982 ) . ... Heller , C.A .; Stanley , P .; Lewis - Jones , B. and Heller , R.F .
This book is an up-to-date and authoritative survey which will be invaluable to university and pharmaceutical company researchers working on anti-asthma and anti-allergy drugs and to respiratory physicians keeping abreast of developments in ...
To resolve the confusion, here is Arthritis Medicines A-Z, a comprehensive guidebook to help you navigate the maze of your arthritis treatment.