Brooks DB, Burstein AH, Frankel VH. The biomechanics of torsional fractures. Stress concentration effect of a drill hole. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1970;52:507–14. Muller ME, Schneider R, Allgower M, Willenegger H. Manual of internal ...
With an abundance of case studies from Jackson Memorial Hospital, this reference provides expert guidance on the evaluation and treatment of lower extremity orthopedic injuries.
J Bone Joint Surg Am 1996;78(3):357–65. Herzberg G, Comtet JJ, Linscheid RL, et al. Perilunate dislocations and fracture-dislocations: a multicenter study. J Hand Surg Am 1993;18:768–79. Zarkadas PC, Gropper PT, ...
Gaunt B. Core principles of the systematic approach to shoulder rehabilitation. In: Gaunt BW, McCluskey GM, eds. A Systematic Approach to Shoulder Rehabilitation. Columbus, GA: HPRC. 2012:156–168. Indications Several options exist for ...
Ideal as both a textbook and a review prior to surgery, this book provides all the essential information for successful patient care.
This issues provides a comprehensive description of standard and alternative exposures of shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm and hand along with the relevant anatomy, and pearls and pitfalls of the described exposures and case examples ...
Don't miss out on the most important issue of the year! Included in this comprehensive edition are discussions on soft tissue and tendon trauma as well as the gamut of fractures that can affect the lower extremity.
From the editors of Skeletal Trauma and Green's Skeletal Trauma in Children, this eBook serves as a reference for traumatic and reconstructive problems of the upper extremity.
ThisDVD-ROM provides learning resources built upon the solid foundation of material presented during an Academic Surgical Skills Course held in the Orthopaedic Learning Center.
Fully-updated edition of this award-winning textbook, arranged by presenting complaints with full-color images throughout. For students, residents, and emergency physicians.