When in 1550 Andreas Osiander (1498-1552) advocated a different understanding of the central Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith alone, most other Lutheran churches in Germany rejected his stance, producing nearly one hundred opposing tracts. Timothy J. Wengert examines these reactions as a way of describing the theological side of confessionalization in Lutheran lands.--Back of dust jacket.
R. C. Sproul surveys the history and fundamentals of apologetics to show that reason and scientific inquiry can be strong allies in defending the existence of God and the authority of the Bible.
At a time when the culture wars are changing dramatically, the Christian legal movement is adapting accordingly.
What You Need to Know About Defending Your Faith gives every believer seeking answers complete training that will firm up their faith and provide confidence in sharing the gospel.
But this book does not pretend to suggest it is as simple as memorizing a speech. Every conversation is different. Every day's news cycle will bring new arguments and new challenges.
McCloskey, Patrick L., and Ronald L. Schoenberg. Criminal Law Advocacy, vol. 5. New York: Matthew Bender, 1984. McCormack, Bruce L. “The Being of Holy Scripture Is in Becoming: Karl Barth in Conversation with American Evangelical ...
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this handbook written in succinct outline form is just what youve been looking for!
When defending the faith, it is not sufficient to merely go after a few surface issues.
Popular apologist Mary Jo Sharp issues a personal challenge for sisters in Christ to approach their faith on an intellectual level, along with a compelling call for women's ministries to help women love God with their minds by incorporating ...
Christian Apologetics
Born from Robert Haddad's personal encounters with numerous non-Catholics over 30 years, Defend the Faith! answers 165 objections against the Catholic Faith in 50 comprehensive and well-set out chapters.