B. Zucker im Urin) als nicht ge- geben ausweisend, das heißt, es wurde nichts gefunden. Negativer Atheismus besagt daher einfach Unkenntnis, Nichtwissen, aber auch Nichtgegebensein irgendeines relevanten Verständnisses oder ...
Wignall , P. G. , ' D. M. MacKinnon : An Introduction to his Early Theological Writings ' , New Studies in Theology 1 ... B.5 Select listing of other works consulted but not cited 256 REASON , TRUTH AND THEOLOGY IN PRAGMATIST PERSPECTIVE.
In these new essays, scholars both within and outside Kant studies analyse Kant's writings and his claims about natural, philosophical, and revealed theology.
The Philosophical Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas
Lectures on Contemporary Religious Thought
Society Shaped by Theology explores the possibility that theological concepts may sometimes still be influential in the modern world.
STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHICAL THEOLOGY , 40 Series editors : Lieven Boeve ( Leuven ) , Willem B. Drees ( Leiden ) , Douglas ... Reason , Truth and Theology in Pragmatist Perspective , Leuven , 2004 25 S. van Erp , The Art of Theology .
STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHICAL THEOLOGY , 30 Series editors : Lieven Boeve ( Leuven ) , Willem B. Drees ( Leiden ) , Douglas ... Reason , Truth and Theology in Pragmatist Perspective , Leuven , 2004 25 S. van Erp , The Art of Theology .
Gary Dorrien expounds in this book the religious philosophy underlying his many magisterial books on modern theology, social ethics, and political philosophy.
The Critique of Theological Reason
The Secrets of the Science of Life: (lecture Notes 1952, Part 2)