This new book is an essential reference for lawyers, negotiators, commercial investors, regulatory agencies, and the many international governmental and nongovernmental organizations concerned with oil and gas development.
51 Bianca in: Bianca/Bonell, p. 301 52 OLG Saarbrücken 13 January 1993; CLOUT no. 292. 53 Sono in: Bianca/Bonell, p. 305. 54 Neumayer/Ming, p. 303-304. 55 Compare for an example of 76 Notification.
Transnational Law in Commercial Legal Practice
This book redefines this field of legal practice to accommodate these changes.
International Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation Agreements: Legal, Economic and Policy Aspects
La Cobertura de los riesgos en los negocios internacionales