This book explains the key steps in planning and executing diagnostic test accuracy studies in dementia, with clear explanations of difficulties and pitfalls and with jargon clearly explained. The emphasis is on pragmatic diagnostic test accuracy studies which can be integrated into day-to-day clinical practice. The book is based on the author’s experience over more than 10 years, which has resulted in the publication of many diagnostic test accuracy studies. The text is structured as for a research publication on a diagnostic test accuracy study (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion), with a final chapter on Future Prospects. Each of the chapters is devoted to a practical and structured overview of each of these steps in performing and writing up such a study. Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies in Dementia: A Pragmatic Approach is aimed at any clinician with an interest in dementia disorders: old age psychiatrists, geriatricians, neurologists, neuropsychologists and primary care physicians, as well as other professions allied to medicine. The book is also of interest to any clinician/researcher with an interest in diagnostic test accuracy studies.
This book is essential reading for all scientists, economists and clinicians in geriatric medicine, neurology and psychiatry, neuro-radiology and nuclear medicine working with patients suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's disease, who ...
This book draws on the author’s experience in conducting pragmatic test accuracy studies on screening instruments for dementia/mild cognitive impairment.
The book is illustrated with case studies and includes a chapter on understanding and responding to the needs of the carer - such as access to information and support - and the effect on their own health.
Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
However, there are very few studies that investigate the accuracy of diagnostic tests for dementia in primary care. Proceeds from the sale of this book go to support an elderly disabled person.
Cognitive Screening Instruments: A Practical Approach, Second Edition is aimed at both clinicians and professionals in disciplines allied to medicine who are called upon to assess patients with possible cognitive disorders, including ...
... Marshall , B. C. , Marshall , S. and Smith , A. L. ( 1999 ) . Efficacy and safety of chronic intermittent administration of inhaled tobramycin in patients with cystic fibrosis . New England Journal of Medicine , 340 , 23-30 .
stated by ADI (2009), coverage for Australasia was considered 'reasonable' rather than 'good'. Thus, rates for Western Europe and North America were also used. These two regions were chosen because results from a WHO study (Mathers ...
In this book, Kraemer presents a systematic, objective methodology by which to determine the effectiveness of medical tests.
More generally, the slope is the change in sensitivity dividedby thechange inFPR over the defined interval oftest results asin ROC curve A(Zweig and Campbell, 1993). As athird example, consider the studybyMushlin etal.