This volume synthesizes pathways in respiratory mechanics and the dynamics of air-blood and blood-cellular gas exchange for students and teachers in respiratory physiology. The authors strive to make physiology fun to learn. This aspect of knowledge acquisition is reflected in the way topics are approached, for example by using playing cards in what is coined ‘Respi-CARDology’. The first section of this book reviews the framework and foundations of basic respiratory physiology. Since this book was not written to be a comprehensive physiology text, the authors have focused on leading students to appreciate and understand integrative principles and homeostatic mechanisms in lung function. The second section of this book mainly deals with the clinical application of fundamental knowledge of respiratory physiology.
Widely considered the "gold standard" for the teaching and learning of respiratory physiology, this fully updated Ninth Edition includes key points for each chapter and multiple-choice review questions and answers with full explanations.
Known for its integration of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, this book emphasizes the importance of assessment of need, contraindications, hazards/complications, monitoring, and outcomes assessment in respiratory care.
In addition, expanded content on bariatrics are featured throughout the book, along with 350 online questions and answers mapped to the CRFN/CTRN® exams.
This contributed volume focuses on understanding the educational strengths and weaknesses of mediated content (including media as a learning supplement), in comparison to traditional face-to-face learning.
... resources and non - clinical hours , studies confirming the benefits of ... teaching objectives are identified and scenarios can be chosen to dra- matically ... respiratory physiology course to the first year medical student class . We ...
Information Resources for Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees
Drug treatment Oral immunotherapy - Considered investigational - The food allergen is given in increasing amounts over a period of months to induce a desensitized state Epicutaneous immunotherapy - Considered investigational - Allergen ...
A free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere: this is the goal of the Khan Academy, a passion project that grew from an ex-engineer and hedge funder's online tutoring sessions with his niece, who was struggling with algebra, into a ...
This book offers physiology teachers a new approach to teaching their subject that will lead to increased student understanding and retention of the most important ideas.
Written by world leaders in the field, this book will be an invaluable aid for anesthesiologists. The worldwide prevalence of obesity has increased dramatically in recent years.