This practical guide introduces functional behavioral assessment as a critical tool in planning interventions to reduce disruptive and other problematic behaviors. The book offers proven methods and strategies as a four-stage protocol in an easy-to-follow format with checklists, Q&A sections, applications, and an extended case example including an assessment report and intervention plan. Step-by-step instructions are delivered in an accessible teaching style, making all phases of assessment equally manageable. And although functional behavioral assessment is typically associated with schoolchildren, this material is also useful for working with adults in residential and community settings. The Guide gives readers: The basics of functional behavioral assessment. Guidance in preparing for conducting a functional behavioral assessment. An overview of assessment methods: formal and informal measures, interview, and observation. A framework for translating assessment data into an appropriate intervention plan. In-depth understanding of the role of prevention in behavioral intervention. A kit of questionnaires, worksheets, and other ready-to-use resources. Practitioner’s Guide to Functional Behavioral Assessment is an essential resource for clinicians and related professionals as well as researchers and graduate students in school and clinical child psychology; behavior therapy; assessment, testing and evaluation; special education; and educational psychology.
This book has been replaced by Conducting School-Based Functional Behavioral Assessments, Third Edition, ISBN 978-1-4625-3873-7.
"As a teaching and instructional guide, Functional Behavior Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment is a first-rate resource for students and young professionals new to the field of ABA or looking to...
2. Antecedent–behavior–consequence (A-B-C) assessments (Bijou et al., 1968; O'Neill et al., 1997). 3. Scatterplot assessments (Touchette, MacDonald, & Langer, 1985). 4. Descriptive assessments (Lalli, Browder, Mace, & Brown, 1993; ...
The book serves as a self-instructional implementation to a broad-base of trainees and care-providers within schools, clinics, centers and human services organizations.
This guidebook offers a practical overview for collecting data, understanding the underlying factors of challenging behaviors, and using evidence-based interventions to correct common classroom problems.
This invaluable book incorporates practical clinical knowledge within a didactic framework to provide a comprehensive overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) across the lifespan.
This laminated reference guide provides an efficient and effective template/model to conduct Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) and Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIP) that work.
This book is set up to be a two-day training where participants learn on day one the data that is being sought and how to analyze it by hand.
The Complete Guide to Special Education, Third Edition, explores the special education process from testing and diagnosis to IEP meetings and advocating for special needs children.
Alice Miller (1975) writes about the issue of recognitionseeking in Prisoners of Childhood. Many of the cases she presents are individuals at the narcissistic end of this schema. As children, they learned to strive for recognition, ...