This book examines the concept of meaning and our general understanding of reality in a legal and philosophical context. Starting from the premise that meaning is a matter of linguistic and other forms of articulation, it considers the inherent philosophical consequences. Part I presents Klages’, Derrida’s, Von Hofmannsthal’s and Wittgenstein’s explorations of silence as a source of articulation and meaning. Debates about 20th century psychologism gave the attitude concept a pivotal role; it illustrates the importance of the discovery that a word is globally qualified as ‘the basic unit of language’. This is mirrored in the fact that we understand reality as a matter of particles and thus interpret the real as a component of an all-embracing ‘particle story’. Each chapter of the book focuses on an aspect of legal semiotics related to the chapter’s theme: for instance on the meaning of a Judge’s ‘Saying for Law’, on law students training in varying attitudes or on the ties between law and language. Part II of the book illustrates our general understanding of reality as a matter of particles and partitioning, and examines texts that prove that particle thinking is basic for our meaning concept. It shows that physics, quantum theory, holism, and modern brain research focusing on human linguistic capabilities, confirm their ties to the particle story. In contrast, the book concludes that partitions and particles are neither a fact in the history of the cosmos nor a determinant of knowledge and the sciences, and that meaning is a process: a constellation rather than a fixation. This is manifest once one understands meaning as the result of continuously changing attitudes, which create our narratives on cosmos and creation. The book proposes a new key for meaning: a linguistic occurrence anchored in dimensions of human narrativity.
... Autobiographies Chantelle Warner 5W Analyzing Digital Fiction Edited by Alice Bell, Astrid Ensslin, and Hans Kristian Rustad 6W Ulysses and the Poetics of Cognition Patrick Colm Hogan 7W Style and Rhetoric of Short Narrative Fiction ...
The general topic of this book is the development of a “realistic” model of meaning; it has to account for the ecological basis of meaning in perception, action, and interaction, and is realistic in the sense of “scientific realism” ...
"This volume is an effort to cast a wide net in order to bring the meanings of others to the forefront of psychological investigation, to illuminate what is an often...
Challenges the moral basis for the authority of law
Since the first episode of the television show, Dr House is shown in a distinctive way: no white coat and a cane for his ... First of all, the white coat: is it a way to metaphorically transport the super-hero cape in a health context?
Poe's story , " The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar , " being able to say “ I am dead " may well be " the condition for a true act of language . ... ghost or specter or ( the term I prefer ) the revenant : that which comes back .
are far from genetically ? xing what behavioral preferences they may possess.
... Prophet. New York: Dell Publishing Co. [82] Storr, Anthony (1991). The Dynamics of Creation. London, Penguin Books. [83] Stutley, Margaret (2003) ... Prophets, Cults and Madness. London: Duckworth. 174 RELIGION, LANGUAGE AND NARRATIVE.
This book documents those first links that students make between content they learn in their classrooms and their prior experiences.
"This book will reward the serious reader and will find an honorable place amidst all those who are trying to find a way out of the abnormal science that literary theory has become in the last twenty years.