Mathematics Achievement of Immigrant Students

Mathematics Achievement of Immigrant Students
Dirk Hastedt


This book examines the mathematics achievement of immigrant students on the basis of data from the IEA Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). It combines an analysis of large-scale assessment data with an in-depth exploration of policy studies and transforms the insights gained into recommendations on how to promote better education for students with an immigrant background. In a world defined by globalization, education systems face the challenge of providing high-quality education for an increasing number of immigrant students. This book addresses topical questions, such as the circumstances and policies that promote good education, and why some countries are more successful than others in catering for the needs of this very diverse group of students. It provides details on the differences between immigrants and non-immigrants in education, includes case studies on policies of two “successful” countries, and gives hints to policy makers for policies that can help improve the situation for immigrant students in schools.

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