New and innovative scientific theories, discussion and explanations are presented on landform dynamics and evolution in Romania along with a comprehensive understanding of the geomorphological processes shaping the large variety of Romania’s landscape. Thematically arranged the book deals with landform dynamics of specific relief types: glacial and periglacial, denudational, fluvio-denudational, fluvial, karst and coasts, as well as sediment fluxes, geomorphic hazards and risks. The authors are key scientists and researchers in the field and offer innovative views on research methods and concepts applied to the topics in question. This work will be of interest to students and researchers in geography, geomorphology, geology, environmental science, paleoclimatology and soil science as well as policy and decision-makers in spatial planning.
... Romania, Springer, Berlin, 15–56. Mez ̋osi, G. (2016). Physical geography of the Great Hungarian Plain. In G. Mez ... Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania. Springer, Berlin, 469–488. Pini, R., Ravazzi, C., and Donegana, M. (2009) ...
... glaciers and rock glaciers since the Little Ice Age . Land Degradation & Development 30 , 580-591 . Kirkbride , M.P. , 2011. Debris - covered glaciers . In : Singh , V.P. , Singh , P. , Haritashya , U.K. ( Eds . ) , Encyclopedia of snow , ...
... dynamic factors of hydrogeomorphic vulnerability in the central sector of the Romanian plain. Metal Int XV 9(Special issue):139–148 Grecu F, Ioana-Toroimac G, Molin Petal (2014) River channel dynamics in the contactarea between Romanian ...
9 CWQI for drinking water and aquatic life at Tekija (a), Brza Palanka (b) and Radujevac (c) stations on the Lower Danube River in Serbia Fig. 10 AFWQI and CWQI for irrigation at Tekija, Brza. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 ...
This book comprehensively presents the geography of landforms linked to periglacial processes across Europe.
... Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania. Springer Geography, Switzerland, pp. 371–396 Moore ID, Bruch GJ (1986) Physical basis of the lengthslope factor in the universal soil loss equation. Soil Sci Soc America J 50:1294–1298 Moore ...
This book delivers the present state-of-the-art of scientific characteristics of the unique Ciomadul volcano (Romania, East-Central Europe) from as many aspects as possible.
At 7.47 m depth and below, the ages obtained by pIRIR290 (4–11 μm), BSL (4–11 μm) and magnetic stratigraphy overlap within the analytical uncertainty of the OSL ages. In contrast, the coarse-grain pIRIR290 ages seem to overestimate the ...
This volume also examines key geomorphic processes influencing land use and economic activities as well as contributions discussing processes under climate change.
This book discusses water resources management in Romania from a hydrological perspective, presenting the latest research developments and state-of-the-art knowledge that can be applied to efficiently solve a variety of problems in ...