This monograph presents a graduate-level treatment of partial differential equations (PDEs) for engineers. The book begins with a review of the geometrical interpretation of systems of ODEs, the appearance of PDEs in engineering is motivated by the general form of balance laws in continuum physics. Four chapters are devoted to a detailed treatment of the single first-order PDE, including shock waves and genuinely non-linear models, with applications to traffic design and gas dynamics. The rest of the book deals with second-order equations. In the treatment of hyperbolic equations, geometric arguments are used whenever possible and the analogy with discrete vibrating systems is emphasized. The diffusion and potential equations afford the opportunity of dealing with questions of uniqueness and continuous dependence on the data, the Fourier integral, generalized functions (distributions), Duhamel's principle, Green's functions and Dirichlet and Neumann problems. The target audience primarily comprises graduate students in engineering, but the book may also be beneficial for lecturers, and research experts both in academia in industry.
Partial Differential Equations presents a balanced and comprehensive introduction to the concepts and techniques required to solve problems containing unknown functions of multiple variables.
This is the second edition of the now definitive text on partial differential equations (PDE).
While the classical topics of separation of variables, Fourier analysis, boundary value problems, Green's functions, and special functions continue to form the core of an introductory course, the inclusion of nonlinear equations, shock wave ...
This is the second edition of the now definitive text on partial differential equations (PDE).
The book can be used to teach a variety of different courses. This new edition features new problems throughout, and the problems have been rearranged in each section from simplest to most difficult. New examples have also been added.
This text enables the reader to not only find solutions of many PDEs, but also to interpret and use these solutions. It offers 6000 exercises ranging from routine to challenging.
Teaches the Key Topics in Differential Equations The text includes all the topics that form the core of a modern undergraduate or beginning graduate course in differential equations.
The book serves as a needed bridge between basic undergraduate texts and more advanced books that require a significant background in functional analysis.
This text is meant to be a self-contained, elementary introduction to Partial Differential Equations, assuming only advanced differential calculus and some basic LP theory.
This work aims to be of interest to those who have to work with differential equations and acts either as a reference or as a book to learn from. The authors have made the treatment self-contained.